Chapter One

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The male's own heartbeat echoed quickly through his mind. He fought to keep his hands stable as he peered through the scope, unable to keep focus on his target. Sweat was dripping down his face as he looked away, scanning the ground for a sign.

The sky around him was dark, almost abnormal. The only thing on the whole street that could be heard was the scuffling of few rats that hadn't been eaten and the wavering of a blanket hung in the alleyways.

The teen looked over to his partner, watching as she held the gun with clear stability. Her face, covered by an intricate butterfly tattoo, showed no emotion as she began to lock onto her own target. Her brown hair billowed in the wind, flowing in all directions, yet she paid no mind.

In the distance, a small flicker of fire could be seen. It quickly disappeared, a trail of smoke following. The silver haired male grasped his gun, ready to aim at the lit cigarette.

"I've got this," the woman murmured, refusing to move an inch. Her brows furrowed a bit as she aimed straight at the oncoming silhouette of the man, placing her finger on the trigger. 

As soon as she was ready to fire, a large, silver armored truck drove by. The woman let out a string of curses as ten, loud shots echoed through the street. The truck continued to move along and when their target was revealed again, he was already dead.

The brunette woman grumbled in anger, her body armor scuffing against the ground as she stood up. She clenched her fist, removing the helmet from her head and throwing it across the concrete roof. It let out a resounding 'thump' as it hit the back parapet, bouncing back. She crossed her arms, shaking her head in disappointment.

"They did it again," she muttered, picking up the gun. She looked back at her silver haired partner, jerking her head in a gesture to get up.

The male did as told, picking up his own gun and slipping off his helmet. He held it between his arm and torso, latching onto the gun with his free hand.

"It's back to the tavern, Quiet," he mumbled, heading for the metal door bolted into a small, concrete cube that jutted out of the roof. Said woman nodded as she followed, picking up her own helmet on the way.


"Again!?" a young voice resounded through the tavern, catching the gazes of many. The young female responsible for said exclamation blushed in embarrassment, shrinking down in her seat.

Quiet, whom had her head resting in her palm, nodded in confirmation, shifting her eyes over to the silver haired male.

He had his head buried in his arms, his shoulders raising and falling with each breath. The twelve-year-old across from them giggled a bit, playing with a strand of his hair.

"Lucas' always sleeping, isn't he?" she questioned, a small smile on her face.

The male, called Lucas, swatted her hand away, revealing that he wasn't fully asleep. "I don't appreciate your comment," he muttered, his voice muffled.

Quiet laughed a bit, her previous tension released by her friends.

After a long bout of silence, Nick finished the measly meal in front of her, tilting her head at Quiet. "Are they still looking for captain?"

Quiet's eyes widened a bit, shifting around to all the other people residing in the tavern. As soon as she was sure that no one was listening in, she nodded a bit, pushing her half-finished plate of food to the girl.

Nick accepted it gratefully, shoveling it down as she raised an eyebrow at the brunette. "D'you know where they are now?"

"Last I heard they were across the city, maybe one hundred miles away. Rue almost died last night, according to a lowly messenger. Iliad claims she had been shot by one of them."

Nick shook her head in disbelief, a few strands oh hair twirling with her. "How reckless of them."

"You're one to talk," Lucas chuckled, slipping a forearm guard off and onto the table. He lightly massaged the part of the appendage, sighing.

Nick rolled her eyes, finishing off the last bite of Quiet's food. "When can I see you guys again?"

"Tomorrow, as far as we know," Quiet responded, pushing a bit of the twelve-year-old's hair from her face, "we can go out to the shops, if you want."

Nick nodded happily, smiling at the mother-like quality of the older girl. "I've needed some new clothes."

"When was the last time you had some?" Quiet asked, her voice a mere murmur.

"Three years ago," Nick stated, though it sounded more like a question.

Quiet nodded, sighing. "We'll definitely get you some new ones."


Wow, I'm actually really proud of this! If I do say so myself, I'm loving how I'm portraying the relationship between Nick and Quiet!

Anyways, this chapter is dedicated to mysticauthor111 , wigglewolf27 , and Quiet_84 . Thanks so much for letting me use your characters for the story!

The characters portrayed in this chapter will be major characters, as well as Ellie (whom hasn't appeared yet.)

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