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The day goes by in a blur. Nothing special happened, mom had hangover from all the alcohol she consumed last night. So she was in anything but a good mood.

"Damnit Eve! Bring me some freaking Advil already!"

I sigh, fed up with my mother's demands. But I bring her the Advil nevertheless. It will make her attitude go away after all. Once she has had the Advil and some dinner, I walk upstairs to my room. It's about eight o'clock and I should get in the shower.

After picking out some soccer shorts and a T-shirt to act as pajamas, I make my way to the bathroom. I turn the water on and step into the shower. Warm water rushes down my back, instantly making me feel less aggravated. Sometimes, I sit down in the shower. I know, I know, it's weird. But honestly I think it's nice. You're just sitting there, letting the water run over you. It's peaceful, and when you live in a home like mine, peace is not something you take for granted.


Tap tap tap.

My head snaps up at the sound. My stomach instantly fills with butterflies. Someone's at my window. Is it him?

I get up from my bed and walk to the window to see the silhouette of a boy. The butterflies are swarming inside of my stomach, rapidly fluttering wings making me feel even more nervous. Slowly, I pull back my champagne curtains. He's sitting outside my window, gazing up at the stars. Peter.

He came back.

"Look who decided to come back," I say softly. Peter's head turns around at the sound of my voice. Then he smiles; his smile is incredibly handsome.

"I couldn't resist," he teasingly says with a shrug.

"Do you want to come in?" I say with a smirk. He nods, and I step back so he can enter my room. Effortlessly, he climbs in, and the cool summer breeze follows him. I shiver slightly, goosebumps slowly forming on my exposed skin. Peter notices the goosebumps and quickly turns to shut the window, blocking the night air.

"Sorry about that," he says after closing the window.

"It's okay," I saw awkwardly. Peter turns back to face me. His enchantingly green eyes stare at mine, they look anxious. As if he is waiting to tell me something. I cock an eyebrow, waiting for him to explain why he came back. This seems to snap him out of his trance.

"Do you have any plans for this evening?" Peter says, taking a step forward with his hands held behind his back. He looks so proper, it doesn't seem right.

"What do you mean?" I say quizzically.

"Do you have any plans for this evening?" He repeats, this time more impatient.


"Good. Because I am going to teach you how to fly."


"Wait, what?" He's going to teach me how to fly? How? Where? Right now?" What does he think he's doing?

"You heard me, Eve. I am going to teach you to fly."

"You're insane."

"Naturally." He teases.

I just laugh and roll my eyes. How does this boy think he is going to teach me to fly? I'm not like him, I'm not... Special like he is.

"Come here." Peter says quietly. Slowly, I step closer to him. He pulls a small bag out from his pocket.

"What's that?" I ask. Peter just ignores me and opens the bag. He reaches into it and pulls out a pinch of what seems to be dust. Dust? Why does this boy have dust in his pocket? Then it hits me.

Fairy dust.

The magical substance that allowed children to fly to Neverland. All my life I've dreamed of flying, am I really going to fulfill those dreams tonight?

Without warning, Peter blows the fairy dust towards me. I blink in surprise, the dust still floating around me. Peter smiles, "There, you're almost ready." I grin excitedly. I probably look like a fool, but can you blame me? I am about to fly after all.

Peter walks over to my window and stares out into the night. His eyes fill with wonder, as if he's searching for something. I join him by the window and gaze up at the sky that seems to fascinate this boy to no end. Once Peter notices me next to him a smile spreads across his face.

"So, how does this flying thing work? What do I do?" I questioned. My eyes follow Peter as he slowly backs away from the window. Silently, he walks up to me from behind and gently places his hands on my shoulders. I don't move, not knowing what to do.

"All you have to do," he whispers into my ear. His breath tickling the side of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. " is think happy thoughts."

His arms slide down my shoulders and land on my upper arms. I look forward towards the window again and repeat his words.

"Think happy thoughts?"

"Mhm." He hums in reply, still barely whispering. Slowly, I close my eyes and try to think of all my 'happy thoughts'. My mind drifts off to a happier place, one where I wasn't trapped by an alcoholic mother. One where I could be a normal teenager and have fun with my life. Slowly, my mind started to fill up with these happy thoughts. They consumed my entire consciousness, lighting all of the weight I ever carried on my shoulders. I felt free.

"Look." I opened my eyes as the soft voice spoke. When I opened my eyes, I wasn't looking out my window, but at the very top my my wall above the window itself...

I was flying.

I gasped in shock as the realization came over me. I heard Peter laugh as his hands lifted from my arms.

"Peter! I'm- I'm flying!"

"You are!" He teased. I spun around to face him and stuck my tongue out in response. While I am awkwardly flailing around trying to stay upright, Peter is perfectly still, flouting gracefully in mid air.

"How can you do that?" I asked him, slightly breathless from all my attempts to steady myself. Peter just laughs and rolls his eyes.

"Here." He reaches out and grabs my arm, pulling me closer to him. He takes both me arms in his hands and holds me upright.

"Thanks." I whisper.

"No problem." He whispers back with a smile.

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