Knife In The Heart

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There were silence. Not the one what makes you calm, what makes you feel good. This silence which weights on the landscape is worrysome. The setting sun painted the sky blood red, and that made the people worry more, so even the mostly beautiful sunset became depressing.

The town's streets were extinct, just some car went by the houses. The people thought it's better to stay home, because it was the end of autumn, the nights were colder.

But at a tenement house's third floor Cosette was getting ready, she was waiting for someone. She brushed her hair, dressed up casually, now she looked for every little mistake, because she had a really important meeting. She was watching herself in the mirror, beautifying her hair. Everything is perfect. At least a week ago she was thinking about this night. She was imagining it a billion times, while looking at herself in the mirror, in different ways, but its end was always the same. Her thoughts were canceled by the bell's sound. When she arrived at the door, her mother opened it for Eric, who was smiling, when he saw his girlfriend from the door. He handed a fragrant, red rose to his love, and Cosette jumped in his arms with tears in her eyes.

The girl said goodbye to her parents, and started walking out of the building, while holding her boyfriend's hand. They were having dinner at a romantic reastaurant with candle lights, then they were walking in the town. Cosette, who was radiant with happiness spoke and laughed all way, but Eric was silent, instead of talking, he put all his effort in admiring his merry girlfriend. He loved watching her explaining, using her hands while speaking, loved how she put one clipping of her golden hair behind her ear and he loved her French accent, too.

As it was towards evening, the weather became colder. The boy was holding her girlfriend close, and they stood like this for a while in the pitch-black street, just the two teenager, then Eric slightly pushing away Cosette, he looked in her eyes and kissed her. A tear rolled down at the girl's face, then a weird, malformed smile spread across her face, she pulled a knife out of her coat pocket, and raised it to the boy's throat.

"Look, I brought something for you... No, this is ours."

When Eric saw the weapon, what was shining in the moonlight, his eyes widened of fright, his face became pale, his heart was beating in his throat, he was sweating and shivering. He took a step back from Cosette. He was scared from the girl, he never saw her like that, a weird fire fluttered in her eyes. He reached for her with shaking hands, and tried to speak in a calm tone.

"Try to calm down, Cosette, there isn't any problems... put that knife down!"

"You don't like it? But I brought it just for us. Just because of you."

"What do you want to do with it?"

"I know what I have to do, already long ago. This, this knife will solve every problem. Like this, you will stay with me forever. I, I saw you the other day with a girl. You smiled at her. I thought that this smile is mine," Cosette, crying, fell on her knees, and started to laugh loudly.

Eric stepped to the girl, kneeled down opposite with her. He held her face in his hands.

"You are my only love, I don't care about other girls."

"You're lying," she whispered, then with a speed movement, she stabbed him in the heart, Eric reached to his chest, his eyes were wide, and he fell on the ground, lifelessly. The girl pulled out the knife of the body, and with lusty smile, she licked down the boy's blood of the weapon.

"Like this, we will be together forever," she whispered, and slowly raised the knife to her thin wrist.

It started to rain, and the bells, what signalled when it was midnight, was ringing in the distance. The next day, there were just two white, cold, lifeless body with blood on it and two mourning family, whose souls were gnawed by sadness and bitterness.

Of course, the case was included in the news, and in this boring town, this was the topic for a while. Everybody talked about it for like a month, all kinds of theories were born. But after a while it became boring for the people, everyone knew all of the stories, so no one talked about it anymore, and not just the shocking murder, but the two young teenager fell into oblivion too, their memories were kept by the mourning family, and the cold stone tablet in the cemetery.

This story was originally wrote by: BloodySong
Translated by me

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