Star Immune Chapter 7

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Hey im sooooooooooooo sorry I haven’t updated in ages!!!!!!!!!! I really hope that you guys can forgive me. Just stuff came up and well yeah, I don’t think you guys want to hear about my stuff. Anyways hope you enjoy…… Remember to




Chapter 7

Summer’s POV:

I ran down the stairs as fast as my feet would carry me. When I got to the living room, all I could see was a jumping and screaming Macey. Chase looked like a five year old who had just seen the boogie man. Erik was just standing there gaping like the idiot he is (I can say that, im his sister. So don’t get angry).

Just at that exact moment Roy and Dad decided to burst through the door screaming “What the hell is going on?” in unison.

“Macey, what are you doing?” I shouted, running up to her and shaking her until she stopped screaming like a crazy woman.

“Chase Star is here, in your house. I’m here in your house with Chase Star,” was all she kept whispering to herself over and over again as if it was some sort of secret. I think she was going into shock, heck, I think everyone was going into shock.

“Macey,” I said slowly, “are you okay?” I looked into her eyes trying to see what she was feeling and to pull her out of what whatever state she was in.

“You,” her blue eyes focused on me, shock turning into realization. “You knew that Chase Star was going to be here and you didn’t even bother to tell me! You always talk about how much you hate Chase Star and all this time you’ve been hanging out with him! How could you! I thought I was your best friend!” she looked angry and hurt; I didn’t know what to say to take that pained expression off of her face.

“I didn’t know my dad was home, until I got home,” I say dodging her accusation.  ‘I didn’t know he was here until he came into my room’, was what I wanted to say, but knowing Macey she would scold me for not having any posters of him and give me ten of her spares. But then again, if he disappointed with my room, then he’d be in love with Maceys. I am surprised she hasn’t jumped him yet, but I’m sure that’ll happen any second now.

“Your dad’s back?” she questioned.

“Yes. Hello Macey, it’s good to see you. I haven’t seen you in awhile,” dad finally spoke up getting Maceys attention.

“Oh, hi Jack.” Maceys cheeks turned crimson from embarrassment by her little (okay, not that little, but still) outburst.

“Chase, are you ready? We’re leaving now,” Roy turned to Chase, still keeping an eye on Macey. “We still need to have that little chat about being late to places,” Chase’s face turned red and his eyes looked distant as if remembering a different time.

As is snapping out of his little world, he looked at everyone and smiled that smile that so many girls love, “well thank you for having me,” OMG he’s famous and he has manners. I was not expecting that. “I guess I’ll see you guys later.”

But before he could go, Macey just has to stop him, “Can I have your autograph. Actually NO can I marry you so I can have your autograph whenever I want!” she was practically jumping up and down just by the thought.

“You can have the autograph, but not the marriage thing,” turning to Erik with a smile, “do you have any paper or something?”

“Sure,” turning around, he opened up the top left hand draw behind him and got out a pen and some paper. Good idea Erik, who knows how many autographs Macey will want.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2011 ⏰

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