What's the bad news?

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Stormy's POV

I just love going outside with mom, mostly to comfort her. Gamy passed away and ever since, mom has been down in the dumps.

"Mother! Time to play..... Well if you feel like it."
"Comin' Stormster. You act like my-..... Never mind I'm coming..."

I go outside and remember the days when Gamy used to sit on the tree swing and read a book, and I'd always say, 'Gamy whatcha reading?' But she would only pat the seat next to her and say, ' See for yourself...' Those were the good times, until the tree swing broke midair and poor old Gamy went flying into the lake with it.

After my play date with my mom we usually sit in my room for a cup of tea, but today she said she'd only take one minute to do what she was gonna do. I knew not to trust her , but my mom is my mom and she has earned my trust. I ran in when she didn't come back for another 5 minutes. In the lake was my mother. I could tell it was an accident, because she always sits there and think about Gamy and all the good to make her stress melt away. But today she would never stress again.

Her handprints in the mud connected with the lake in one line and footprints as well. She fell in.

As soon as the reality hit me, well it didn't, I was in denial. I swore that when I when the for tea, she would be right there waiting and had some twin I didn't know about. But was met with the cold hard truth, my mother was dead. I cried and cried waiting to wake up out of a horrible dream. I broke the news to my pop and he took it even worse. He said he was going to kill himself if it was true, and I knew after a while he was going to blame me, but it was going to be too much for him alone so I stayed.


Pops was going insane without mom, and had the bruises to show for it. This was not going to be healthy for me, he has to just accept the fact and face that she is gone. I think he doesn't realize that one day he will be with her again.

I needed to talk to him. NOW!

"Pops....Pops..... Dad!"
"What do you want." He barked at me.
"You are killing me here," I showed him my back." This is not what mom would want her husband to be doing, beating his child because he can't accept the fact rather she is gone!" I cried.
"You don't know what your mom would want because you aren't her!" He eyes started to water. "If you knew, you should have stopped her from even going to the lake, I don't blame HER, I blame you!" He cried heavily
Now it was my turn to be mad.
"Dad, if I knew I would have stopped her from going there." I roared.

After that argument I don't really remember what happened, next thing you know, I was in the hospital.

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