What a Life I Might Have Known

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AN: 1. I'm pretty much going to be playing catch up this week so sorry that I'm not following my schedule. 2. I have created a twitter/instagram/ask.fm combo where you can ask Rosalie along with my other ocs as well as myself any questions you would like regarding the story or anything else. You can follow me on these accounts (twitter and ask.fm) at arosetosomeone and then instagram is aroseto_someone. 3. I hope you all enjoy this next chapter and let me know what you think!

 I hope you all enjoy this next chapter and let me know what you think!

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"He's back!" Combeferre cried out.

The rest of les amis gathered round as they let the volunteer back behind the barricade. "What have you found?" Enjolras asked.

"They are planning to starve you out. They won't strike tonight. They are planning on attacking in the morning." Javert in disguise replied.

"LIAR!" Gavroche called out.

All eyes looked towards the small boy. "Good evening dear Inspector. Lovely evening, my dear. I know this man, my friends, his name is Inspector Javert! So don't believe a word he says cause none of it's true. This only goes to show you what little people can do."

"Good job, Gavroche! You're top of the class." Courfeyrac beamed.

Gavroche smiled back at his friend, soaking up all of the attention. Rosalie watched on and shared a smile with the boy when they locked eyes. He looked so proud of himself and he should be. He figured something out none of them saw. How it had passed the notice of les amis was beyond her but she was just glad someone figured it out before something too terrible could happen.

Shouts were heard from where Enjolras, Courfeyrac, Combeferre, and Marius were dragging Javert into the Musain. Javert had pushed his way out of their hold and was trying to make a run for it. Grantaire held onto Rosalie as she began to move towards them when she saw Enjolras stumble back from the punch that connected with his jaw. "I know you're a tough one, mademoiselle but that's one fight you don't want to get into."

Just then Enjolras took a pistol and hit Javert on the head, knocking him out cold. The others picked him up and then tied him to the bannister of the steps leading up to their meeting room. Rosalie let out a small gasp. She remembered the silent storm that lurked behind his blue eyes when he found out what her father had done to her. She could only imagine what it looked like when the storm surfaced and what she just witnessed was just the first rumble of thunder before the storm.

Things didn't get a chance to truly calm down. Everyone was on edge and they were rightfully so. Drums soon filled the air and the marching of feet could be heard. All of them ran to the barricade, grabbing a gun, preparing for the battle that laid ahead. Shots rang throughout the street as the guardsmen and the students fought over the fate of their country.

The soldiers were beginning to climb up the barricade and despite shouts for him to stop, Marius climbed up with a torch and a barrel of gunpowder. His tactic worked for the soldiers climbed down and backed off but it didn't work in time.

The disguised Eponine had followed Marius up the barricade as soon as she saw a soldier point a gun right at Marius' head. She grabbed the barrel of the gun and pointed it at her chest. While gunshots had been heard for the duration of the battle, this one gunshot seemed to ring out louder than the rest as Rosalie watched her friend fall down the barricade.

Rosalie raced over to her fallen friend and hugged her to her. "Hold on, Eponine, everything's going to be okay." She cried, making sure to keep pressure on the wound as a last minute try to keep her friend alive.

Eponine haphazardly flashed the blonde a smile. "Oh, Rosie, I'll be just fine. Don't you worry 'bout me. You've been doing that for too long. You have someone else to worry about now. I saw you kissing Enjolras earlier." She tried to giggle but Rosalie noticed how much pain it caused her so the giggle came out more like a wince. "You were such a good friend, Rosie. Look after Gavroche for me and make sure that Marius is happy. That's all I want now. He'll never love me but as long as he is happy."

By now Rosalie had tears streaming down her face. "Anything Eponine, anything for you. You've been so good to be Eponine. You've kept me sane all these years."

"Eponine!" Marius yelled as he ran down to where Rosalie was holding the brunette. Delicately Rosalie moved from her spot by Eponine's side so Marius could sit beside her.

"Don't you fret M'sieur Marius, I don't feel any pain. A little fall of rain can hardly hurt me now." She whispered, curling into his chest. She was doing her best to hold on. She was in the arms of her love, even if it was for her last moments she wouldn't trade any of it for the world.

Rosalie looked for Gavroche and noticed him standing in the doorway of the Musain. She came over to him and picked him up. He held on tight to the other person who was practically a sister to him as well. He couldn't grapple that his older sister, who taught him his way about the Paris streets and how to be on his own, was now gone.

His legs were wrapped tightly around her waist and his arms wrapped tightly around her shoulders with his head nestled in between her shoulder and neck. Her arms held him to her as if her life depended on it. Through the small space he still had where he was resting his head, he watched with the rest of the members of the barricade watch as the life slowly left his sister. The tears Gavroche was holding back finally fell.

When Rosalie felt the tears fall on her neck she held onto him as a mother holds their child like they're consoling them. Enjolras looked back at Rosalie who was now trying to be strong for Gavroche and watched as his pseudo mother passed him to his pseudo father, Courfeyrac.

Enjolras took a step closer to Rosalie and took her hand, giving it a squeeze. He then turned back to address those standing at the barricade. "She is the first to fall. The first of us to fall at the barricade."

Marius stood up, clutching Eponine's limp body to his chest as he carried her to the cafe to lay her body to rest. "Her name was Eponine. Her life was cold and dark, yet she was unafraid."

"We fight here in her name!" Combeferre called out.

"She will not die in vein." Prouvaire spoke up.

"She will not be betrayed." Lesgles agreed.  

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