Chapter 1

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I roll the silver coin between my fingers, staring into the cool waters of the fountain. I close my eyes and breathe out.

I wish....... I wish to be able to do anything for my father and get away with it.

I open my eyes and flick the coin into the fountain watching it sink. My new life starts now.

"Hey, there pretty girl."

I pull my coat over my body and hug myself slightly as the rough voice fills my ears.

"Y-yes?" I stutter, my heart thumping and breath racing.

"Now, why would a young, beauty like you be roaming these part of the streets at this hour?" His eyes roam my body and I shuffle away from him.

"I-I'm meeting someone. Have you seen the, uh, dealer?" I ask, glancing around the barely lit alley.

The man chuckles and runs one dirty finger down my clothed arm. I shiver in disgust and move my arm away from his finger.

"No, I haven't seen him." The man smiles darkly and I curse in my head.

The man grasps my forearms and harshly pushes me into the brick wall. I groan as my head hits the hard wall.

"But, I'll give you what you need." The man says and ducks his head, going for my neck.

You thought, bitch. I pull my arms up out of his hold and twist one of my hands around his arm. I quickly crouch down and swiftly move under his arm and out of the confining state of being inbetween the wall and the man. I twist the mans arm behind his back and he drops to his knees with a loud scream being covered by a snap. I let his arm go and kick his back so his head hits the wall, successfully knocking him out.

I huff and turn around, fixing my coat and smoothing my hair down.

"Nasty men." I grumble.

As I'm tightening the belt of my coat, a low whistle rings out and I turn to where the sound came.

"Still beating down grown men I see." The dealer walks out of the shadows and into my view.

"You're late." I glare at him.

"Do you want the meds or not?" He asks and I nod reaching out for the brown bag in his hands.

I look into the bag and inspect the insides. Everything I need is in here, so I close the bag and look at the dealer.

"Thanks." I say and begin to turn around.

"Not so fast. Where's the payment?" The dealer asks and I roll my eyes.

"I'll give it to you next time. I don't have the money right now." I tell him, hoping he'll let me go.

"Fine, but you better have it next time... Or you're dead." He says and I nod.

I walk out of the alley and let out a breath. I hurry home and walk in.

"Carter, is that you?" My father asks, appearing in my sight with his cane.

I pull my coat off and hang it on the rack, then hastily walk towards him.

"Dad, you're not supposed to be out of bed." I grab his arm and lead him to his room.

"Let me go, woman. You baby me too much." He rips his arm from my hold and quickly, but awkwardly shuffles
into his room.

I fight back a smile and help him onto the bed. I sit down by his side and turn the bag upside down on his bedside table.

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