His jealously.

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"Y/n~~~." Your best friend Jung Hoseok called your name as he entered your small apartment. You're short haired boyfriends eye twitched as he saw how happy you got when you heard him he even rolled his eyes and you two hugged and held on to each other. Feeling the same feeling he would get every time you and hoseok were together. Jealousy. He hated how close you where with him and how much time you spend with him. To Jimin you where his and only aloud to be his.
"Hobi~~~!" you called back, getting your best friend into a big bear hug, squeezing him tightly. There was something about his hugs that just made you feel warm inside. You loved feeling his arms around you it made you feel at ease and safe.
While you where practically snuggling into Hoseok, he was taking in your sent, holding you close. He knew Jimin and you where together but that's didn't stop him from flirting with you and he knew exactly what he was doing and he knew Jimin knew it as well.
The long faced man pulled back and smiled at the you with his beautiful smile. "I missed you Y/n." he said giving you one last squeeze and going over to your boyfriend. You grinned at his comment, "I missed you to Hobi." you said sitting next to Jimin. You felt his angry glare and gulped felling yourself get nervous and panicked but you tried your best to ignore it. You knew he didn't like you hanging out Hoseok but he was your best friend and you couldn't just ditch him like that, he was the closest one to you and plus you haven't seen him in a while.
You and Hoseok started talking and catching up on what one another has been doing, while Jimin tried his best to stay calm but watching you two talking and eye flirting was really starting to get his blood boiling. He took a deep breath and you smiled at him nervously. Of course your boyfriend smiled back but you could see in his eyes that he was angry. You looked away and nervously focused your attention back to Hobi.
After talking for a bit he had to leave. You hugged him again. "Why do you have to go so soon Hoseok?" you said in a slight whine. He chucked lightly at your adorable whining.
"The fun doesn't have to end just yet, how about we go out for lunch?" he asked pulling back and smiling at you reassuringly. You grinned widely and nodded, grabbing your coat from your room and Jimin grabbed your arm pulling you around to face him and you were met with a hard cold glare. You looked away nervously and he grabbed your face roughly, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he growled lowly his eye twitching slightly. Your bottom lip quivered, whincing slightly, "Going to lunch with Hobi..." he growled again and let you go with a slightly shove. "Jiminie.." using your nickname for him.
"Go. We will talk about this when you get back." he said in a stern harsh voice and you flinched slightly. You walked out of the room and slipped on your shoes. Your face slightly flushed from what happened in the room your hands shaking slightly. You looked up at Hobi and smiled as you both walked out of the apartment.
Jimin waited all afternoon for you to come him but you didn't. He waited from 12 pm to 5 pm. Even blowing up your phone to be met with no answer. He was starting to get very angry, from being ignored and the fact that you were with Jung Hoseok, until he heard the door open and he looked up from his spot in the couch. You head alreaded pointed at the ground, knowing your boyfriend would be angry. "Where the hell have you been." his voice in such a tone that made you flinch.
"With Hobi..." you said quietly.
"Why didn't you text me back." stepping towards you and you backed up.
"I didn't hear it..." you lied
"Don't you dare lie to me. Why the hell didn't you text me!?" he got slightly louder' stepping towards you again. You continued stepping back and didn't answer him. "Answer me Y/n!" you flinched and your back hit the wall behind you.
"I-i was busy..." you stuttered.
He got closer to you pressing his hand against the wall beside you.
"Busy being Hoseok's little whore?" he asked in a lower tone and you shook your head quickly. He shook his head and put hand around your neck, squeezing the sides slightly. "You little slut." he grabbed your lower zone roughly applying a small amount of pressure hearing a small moan of pleasure come from your mouth. "Am I not enough you dirty whore?" moving his fingers around through your pants hearing you let out a tiny squeak. He smirked and grabbed you by your hair, "I want you naked on The bed, face down ass up." your face got slightly red as he let you go and walked towards the kitchen. You hurried to the room and stripped of your clothes, getting on the bed just how he wanted. You heard the dark haired boy enter the room and you felt your heart starting to race. He felt his cock twitch in his pants seeing your beautiful body like that for him and him only. You heard him open a drawer and looked over just for your face to be shoved back in the pillow roughly. "Don't." he said in a way that made you nervous. You then felt rope being tied around your wrist and looked over slightly. "J-Jimin-" you were cute off by your hair being pulled roughly.
"Shut up I'll go even harder." he said right in your ear making you shut your mouth. "Good girl." he whispered making you shutter. He pushed you back in the pillow roughly and finished tying the rope. You felt his hand grase over you plump ass, "But you've been very bad lately." he gave it a hard smack and you whimpered "Being Hoseoks whore but you know you're all mine." he slapped it again making you whimper once more. "You know how jealous I get so why do you do it?"slapping it again and you gave him no responce "Hm? Not going to answer me?" he moved His head to your ear and roughly pulled your hair. "Do you like being punished, is that it?" his over hand slapping your ass and you whimpered again. He slapped your ads a few more times and then got up off the bed and left you there. You wanted to look up to see what he was doing but you didn't. You heard him rustling behind you and you got even more nervous than you already were. He came back over to you and you felt his hand go between your legs. You almost closed them because you were embarrassed but it was to late, his fingers were pressed against your clit. As soon as you felt them you let out a small moan of pleasure that only got louder as he started moving his fingers. Jimin smirked as he was pleasuring you, he loved to see you weak underneath his touch. "You love this don't you little whore?" he asked picking up the speed in your clit and you nodded. As soon as you did he stopped. "Jimin-" your hair was pulled roughly again.
"You're on punishment shut up." he said and you tenced up slightly. You heard him moving around again grabbing god knows what. Jimin chuckled lightly as he shoved the thing into you and turned it on at full power. You let out a loud yelp from the quick sudden action. It was a vibrator you knew that but it wasn't the on you where used to. This one was bigger and moved a lot faster than yours. You moaned loudly as it moved around inside of you. "Jimin~!" you moaned lifting your head up slightly just for him to grab your hair.
"Its not even me yet but you're already moaning my name." he chuckled in your ear his fingers moving down to your nipple to give them a nice tug making you moan even louder. "Oh yeah I forgot to mention something." he said "You're not aloud to cum." he let you go got behind you to were the vibrator was. He grabbed it and slowly started thrusting it in and out of you making you want to grab on to something but your hand were tied. He put it back into you and took a Sep back looking at your twitching body. You on the other hand were trying to push back your orgasm. You toes curled trying to hold it back. "Don't you dare." his voice so treating it scared you. "You useless whore don't you dare cum without my permission." he said as you felt teas well up in your eyes you tried not to but it tapped anyway. Your body shook as you came all over the vibrator letting out a loud moan. Jimin let you finish and took it out of you, turning it off. He pulled your hair making your drilling face leave the pillow. "Open your mouth." you looked at him confused for a second before he continued. "I want you to clean it off and get a good taste of your own cum before its going back in you " he said holding it to your mouth. As soon as you opened up he shoved it in your mouth. You took it all and sucked on it tasting your own sweet and sour cum. As soon as he said you where don he put it back in you but at a lower level. You let out a light moan, thinking that's all he was doing but Jimin had other plans. Jimin untied your hands and got infrount of you, his pants unzipped so you could see the bulge through his boxers. "Open up whore." he said pulling down his pants and boxers, his big hard cock being revealed. You opened your mouth and he trusted into your mouth. You gagged slightly at his movements but he didn't stop. He grabbed on to your hair and hopped your head back and forth. You were moaning lightly as you sucked and moved your tongue around his cock. "You love sucking my cock don't you, you dirty fucking whore." you nodded and moaned on his dick. You continued sucking harder and faster as he told you to and he released his load into your mouth. He took his dick out of your mouth and held your face. "Get a good taste of my cum before you swallow." he let got off the bed and you swallowd, catching your breath. He took the vibrator out of you and without warning he ranged himself into you. You yelped at this and he left it in you not moving at all. Jimin was big and thick so you were tight around him. He thrust in to you. Slow but hard making you moan louder than the vibrator made you. "Do you want to go 'be busy' with Hoseok again, hu?" he said in an angry tone as he trust into you roughly.
"Jimin~!" you almost screamed at how good he was. He started to pick up the pace and you moaned loudly cumming on his dick. The vibrator made you close but not all the way and Jimin got you there for a second time.
"Did you just cum?" he stopped moving his voice angry. "You useless whore did I say you can cum!?" he raised his voice and tears welled in your eyes once again. He rammed into you harder than you have ever felt and tears started streaming down your face as you moaned. "You dumb bitch!" he said his hands wrapping around your throat and squeezing the sides slightly. "Bitch you never want to listen do you!" Tears streamed down your face as you screamed out in pleasure. He felt your walls tighten around him "Don't bitch!" he said as he pounded into you. He pounded harder and faster. "Now cum with me!" he said as you screamed out his name and he met his load out inside of you. He took his dick out and laid you on your back, letting you catch your breath. He smiled down at you. "I love you baby girl. You were amazing today. I'm sorry I got so angry." he kissed your cheek and lived you up to the bathroom.

Yo I hope you liked the one shot. Please don't mind the spelling and grammar errors. Be sure to like and comment. Thanks for reading!!

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