Chapter Two: Takashi for Two

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I sprung up the stairs that led to the subway, looking over my shoulder constantly to make sure Seth was still in step. My hand gripped the railing as my face met the brisk winter air above the surface. I turned to watch Seth join me. He was tall - especially to my 5 foot, 2 inch frame - nerdy, kind, and confident - all traits that I loved about him. I remembered the day we met, how sweaty his palm was when we shook hands, and how he later proceeded to tell me he was one of my biggest fans. 

"You alright, Ames?" He asked as he walked past me, disrupting my flashback.

"Oh!" I shook my head and smiled, "Yeah, yes, sorry, let's go." 

I skipped forward to match his pace, wrapping my bagel up in its foil and shoving it into my purse. There's already a pile of shit in there, one bagel isn't going to make a difference. 

"So, Seth, have you gotten around to any good skit ideas? Pitch meeting is at 3." 

Seth looked over with a smile on his face, "Is work really all you wanna talk about? I mean, I know Monday's suck but.."

"Talking like you have better shit on your mind, I see," I joked at him.

"Actually, I have a far better conversation topic."

"I see you trying to hide your skit ideas from me, I see how it is Seth Meyers."

Seth chuckled, "You know as well as I do that nobody who works for SNL has an idea on the Monday pitch meeting." He paused for a moment, "And if I had an idea, you're definitely the one I'll be writing it with this week so don't worry." 

I turned to him in time to catch his quick wink at me. I laughed, "Alright, then. What's your good conversation topic?"

We turned a corner and I saw Takashi ahead of us. 

"What'd you do on your one day off?" Seth asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"I spent it with Will," I replied, almost hesitantly. Why am I trying not to talk about the fact that I was with my husband?

"Oh, sweet," Seth replied blankly. "Hold on, let me get this for you," He skipped forward and grabbed the door to Takashi, holding it wide open as he smiled at me. 

"Why, thank you, sir," I curtsied to him before entering the restaurant. 

It was dimly lit and a waiter immediately asked us to find our own seats. The table by the window was open and I sat down with Seth facing opposite to me.

"So what'd you and Will end up doing yesterday?" Seth asked as he stared at his menu.

"Um.." I flipped through my menu, scanning the meals, "We slept in, watched a movie, did some errands, just usual stuff, nothing special. What'd you do yesterday?" I asked, trying to change the topic.

"About the same," He replied briskly. 

Seth's lips parted and he leaned forward, about to ask another question before his phone began to ring. He sighed as he reached into his pocket.

"'Ello?" Seth answered, tapping his fingers on the table.

I raised my eyebrow watching him. Why's he so anxious?

"Mmhm, mm, mhm," He replied into the receiver. "Okay, see you soon, bye." He snapped his flip phone shut. "We've got to go, they're gonna start the meeting early."

"Early?!" I slapped my menu down and leaped up. "We can get there in time if we leave now. Go, go, go!" I raced out of the restaurant with Seth fast on my heels, laughing away at my behavior. I didn't care, in fact I loved it. I loved being around these people who totally understood me and were, outside of comedy, complete misfits. 

I stormed down the subway steps and catapulted myself into the train. I reached my hand out to help Seth, who gladly locked on, and reeled him in. We laughed for a minute at the craziness, our hands still intertwined. After a minute, I dropped mine and his followed. Sure, we had had a lot of skits in which we were a married couple or making out but sometimes it felt like our chemistry couldn't leave the stage. I looked at him, instantly admiring him. 

You're married, the tiny voice inside my head reminded me. The timing was off. It can't happen anymore.

I took my gaze off of him and stared at my reflection in the window. I was tiny. Very tiny. And I was scared of my own frame, especially because of what I was trying to do. 

I looked over at Seth hesitantly, knowing he didn't know something every one of my best friends already did.

How am I going to tell him me and Will are trying to have a baby?

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