Effecting the World

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Nobody realizes how much effect they have on others. That's partly because it's not that obvious. But it's true. Eye contact and a smile are some of the easiest things you can do, and it can brighten somebody's whole day. Whispers and giggles can tear down a persons self confidence and ruin a lot more than just a day. Compliments are wealth. Encourage people! Even if those people are rude and don't deserve it. Be kind even when you hate everyone and everything around you. It might not seem worth it. It might seem like you're working your ass off to better a world that's never going to get better. But when you look back on it and think about the good things you've done, you see that the world isn't so bad and you can make a difference, even if it is small. Be happy, smile, dance, laugh. Cheer people on. Be friendly. Create for yourself an ora of peace and serenity. It truly does change things. It makes a difference and it is helpful for yourself and everybody.

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