Chapter 2

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"What" I huffed

"We are going to Australia & New Zealand and your coming with us!!" They all yelled jumping up and down. It took me a few second to comprehend what they said but when it clicked I freaked out

"OMG are you serious omg I'm going to Australia and New Zealand" I ran over to Cameron and jumped on him hugging him. Next thing I know is we are all in a group hug.

"Wait when do we leave?" I asked

"Umm 2 days so hurry go pack!" Trey laughed

"2 freaking days!! Thanks for telling me earlier" I yelled sprinting up the stairs. I grabbed my suitcase and started packing everything, I heard Australia has amazing beaches at a place called the Gold Coast I think that what it was called, so I packed my swimmers and other belongings.

Before I knew it was 1 in the morning and I only just finished packing. I got off my floor, but Immediately fell my foot was numb from sitting one the floor for like 3 hours trying to fit everyone in my suitcase. Once my foot wasn't numb I got back up (successfully) and tip toed down stairs so I didn't wake up the guys. I walked into the kitchen cause why not have a snack at 1am. I made my self a coffee and at down on the bar stool. As I was scrolling thought instagram liking a few fanpages pictures, I heard someone enter. I looked up and saw Blake.

"What are you doing up?" I asked him

"I could ask you the same thing" he said smiling

"I heard the noises from the kitchen so I got up" he answered yawning

"Oh sorry" I whispered

"So what are you doing up at 1 in the morning?"

" I only just finished packing for Australia and New Zealand" I replied

"Oh cool are you excited"

"Am I excited? Really I'm so freaking excited omg"

"Hahaha yeah, I could kinda tell when you screamed today" he chuckled

I smiled at him. He is so amazing, he so caring, I love how easy it is to talk to him, I love they way he looks me or anyone in the eye when that Rae talking. Or the way he slides his tongue across his lips after a sentence. I love the colour of his eyes and the way his hair fa-

"Earth to Zoe" Blake laughed snapping me out of my thoughts

"Oh sorry" I blushed looking down. Blake placed his fingers under my chin so I could look him in the eye

"Its cute when you blush" he smiled leaning forward. Omg what is happening I'm not ready. What. I moved my hand across the bench and knocked my cup of coffee causing it to fall and break on the floor. We jumped away from each other and looked at each other. I can't believe  that was going to happen

"What happened!" Cameron came running into the kitchen with a baseball bat

"Really" I said picking up the pieces of the broken mug

"Hey I didn't know it was you what if it was a murderer waiting to kill me" cameron acted serious but broke into fits of laughter.

I picked up all the pieces and got up, and Blake was gone.Okay then. After I cleaned it all up I walked back up to my room shutting the door, before I jumped into bed and fell asleep.

A/n: sorry for the shitty chapter I'm not the best at writing fanfics but oh well I will get there😁

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