serious buisness

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yeah, you read the title. this is more of a serious book, but if you haven't read my announcement of a new
book in my random stuff.... book, go read it now. It will let you know what most of this book is, and what you can do. I will wait.............................................. Ok you read it? Maybe you haven't... if you have, thank you, and if you hadn't oh well.

Thank you UndyneKayKay, GeekinessOverload528, SquashyBlueBerry, jetthegremanshep, eevee_yvy (for most of my three years in a "newer" school), Superpink478, and a bunch of my other friends and family for making my life much better!!! see you in the next chapters guys!!! have a good one!

Story of my LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ