Chapter 16...

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Your POV (LMB)

It's been officially two weeks since I've been training here. Dancing skills were improving sky high, same went for vocals, rapping, composing and producing. Unfortunately, I couldn't say the same to learning two languages at the same time almost everyday.

"_____! Stop shaking your leg!" Our Chinese teacher, Mrs. Hu, shouted and used her stick to lightly spank unnie's shaking leg.

Unnie was fast enough to dodge it and ended up having her legs in the air with a mischievous smile while our teacher continued to throw tantrum and scold us.
"YOU HAVE TO DEBUT IN FOUR MONTHS (currently November now) TIME Y/N!" She shouted and slammed her hand against the whiteboard.
"Which Y/n?" I asked, not bothering to even look at the grumpy old teacher.

She grumbled something under her breath about us and stomped out of the room, only to be opening the door for the CEO to see our improvement.
"Well, how's everything going?" He asked us while we quickly stood up to greet him formally.
Our teacher didn't hesitate to answer him, "Not quite well. I'm afraid that Y/n and _____ won't be able to learn Chinese quite fluently in four months time."

The CEO looked at us with a curious look with a eye brow up, "I'd like to see what these beautiful young women have learned."
"As you know," he said as he sat down in front of us, "I really hope that the two of you are able to learn two languages as fast as possible. You're both at the perfect age to debut right now, but I think that next year will be a much more suitable time to release your first music video."

"We hope that we'll be able to learn these languages as fast as possible too." Unnie said, not fluently but understandable in Chinese.
They looked towards me, waiting for me to say something in Chinese too, but all I could say was, "Hello, how are you?"

He nodded and clasped his hand, turning towards Mrs. Hu with a satisfied look, "It's only been two weeks, I'm sure that they'll be able to speak Chinese properly."
He soon left the room and allowed Mrs. Hu to continue her class.
"I'm impressed." Was all she said before continuing to scold us for misbehaving all the time.

-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ argh, I should quickly finish this fanfic hahaha... So I can finish all the fanfics I want to read hahaha fangirl struggles

"We'll be having Japanese class tomorrow~~" Unnie cheered and skipped into our dorm after a long tiring day out from it.
Sometimes I wonder how she can stay this energetic every single day. Not surprised that she has two hearts, four lungs and double of everything to give her so much stamina or well, energy.

"I'm so tired..." I groaned obviously tiredly.

Kicking off my shoes, I slowly made my way to the sofa and collapsed onto the soft comfy cushions.
"You're so young and behave like a Aunty." She teased me.
If I wasn't so tired, I would've sent her death glares after death glares. But lately, I've been too exhausted to even walk to my own bed. Everyday, all I've been doing after a long hard day of training, studying and practicing is walking to the sofa and collapsing.
We've been doing that ever since we've started training in hope that we'll debut faster, and it has been quite successful.

"Hey, dongsaengie," _____ Unnie said randomly as she came out of the shower, "Take lots of rest. Hopefully we'll debut faster."
"Yeah sure, two weeks only made our moment to debut a week shorter than originally." I sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

I heard the sound of running footsteps towards my direction before nearly bouncing off the sofa, "I plan to debut during Christmas!" She smiled and sat on my legs, "Who knows that we'd be a big hit."
Mentally laughing at her pun, I shook my head and propped myself on my elbows. Looking at her, I yawned, "But think of the negative possibilities that may happen too."
She sighed and hummed in agreement, "Yeah... But, no body becomes famous over night anyways. No matter when they've debuted, it'll take a hit song for them to make it big.

*DON'T READ* ABTwins [the third book to Love Me Back] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now