Isabella's Practices 4

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Isabella's P.O.V

I hope they find me soon because I accidentally left my phone in my Jacket on the side bench so if they text me I wouldn't be able to reply....

I wonder where they think I am, wait I think I see Zoe and Ava NO!! its actually Stephanie and Ava yay!! they found me so I bet most likely they are gonna text the girls that I am at the outside pool.... wait they looked at the wrong side of the outside pool OH NO!!!

Isabella- Mrs can i please quickly go to the bathroom before practice 

Mrs- Yes you may but hurry up please your turn is soon!.....

Isabella- Thank you Mrs I will.

OMG i am glad I can quickly go to my phone!...

I get to my phone and there is like 4 text messages and the last one says.     Stephanie- Guys I couldn't find her at the outside pool we'll quickly meet up with you at the oval    (beep beep)

What!! there is another message now from Zoe and Claudia - sorry guys shes not here either they probably went onto a bus and went to an excursion type thing to practice.

Isabella- Guys I'm at the other side of the outside pool the really shallow and medium while there also becoming a really deep end Stephanie and Ava missed me and only looked on the other side.

Come A.S.A.P because my turn is really soon love you guys and see you soon  BTW make sure  you have a drink before you come because I have gathered that you guys have done a lot of walking, jogging and running!.... ahahhaha

Later on

 I am about to start my warm up with swimming while I suddenly see my 4 best friends I wave then get ready at the swimming edge to be ready in the pose to dive in.

5....4....3....2....1.... GOOOOOO

I was swimming as fast as I could but not the fastest at the same time because then I wouldn't be able to do the last bit of the lap on the way back as fast and I wont become 1st like I usually am :)

I kept on swimming and while I was swimming I could hear my friends yelling " GO izzy we love youuuuu" and then suddenly at the corner of my eye about to pass me was the girl Trish that I always vs in swimming she was trying to become team captain last year and this year but I still got chosen because I am nice, it didn't even matter that I was popular she was just the bi**h in the school so once I saw her I didn't speed up because after 2 years still swimming with her she can never figure out what way I am going to swim or play the game she does while versing. So I just kept the same pace till I hit the wall side and sped up right past her and 2 others in a minute or less later I was the first one at the end and the coach knows my way of swimming and always times us and keeps my score the most priority because I am the 1st best swimmer on the team and I just got a better time. I guess since I am doing some more stretches and other stuff each day and more practices I guess I have gotten better. Well later I am going to go for a relaxing swim with the girls and floaties, coconut drinks and a platter so we can just relax!.

The other group is going for another swim except this time the groups just had to do any style that wasn't really going to tire them out so it was going to be a kind of relaxing swim but the groups had to do 5 laps of the swimming with it which that was the bad thing for everybody else but me, Trish and Lily because we are the top 3 swimmers that don't complain and just do the swimming which I am also grateful because Lily is on my cheerleading squad and being a cheerleader and swimmer keeps you in a great shape and she is awesome in class and outside in practice so when ever she needs a break I let her!..

While the other group was swimming Lily came to me and we went to my 4 BFF'S and started talking              and then suddenly I got a text message from a Blocked ID number and it said -Next time you wont be so lucky.. 😈 - I didn't know what it meant so I didn't bother telling anybody not even the girls, then they got a message from the Blocked ID number and typed - next time run faster or Izzy wont make it  😈-A- then I realized something at the end of the message it had the same thing -A and I didn't realize. They all looked at me and told me what they just got and didn't know who it was from so I told them about the message I got and we all thought it was freaky!....  We didn't end up telling anybody about it because it could just be a joke and nobody will believe us and think we are weird.. 

Mrs- Group 2 your turn to SWIM!..

(Group 2)- Coming coach

I just looked at the pool and wondered what was going to happen...? We all got ready to dive in and I thought to myself that the text must be a joke from one of the girls but they don't have burn phones except Ava could but she never brings them to school and plus I went through her bag today with her permission for some gum.   We all dived in and I just started to stay under water until I had to come back up and started the butterfly I am one of the only swimmers on the team that can do the butterfly properly. Most of us finished the 1st lap already and had to go onto the 2nd lap but then I started to feel weird for some reason and my vision went a bit weird and next thing I know I accidentally hit my head on the side of the pool.. My friends, Lily, other team mates and the coach ran most of the way to get to me or eve swam their fastest and when they got to me on their lanes they had blurry vision so they got straight away up and saw more blood than they saw before and helped Isabella up. 

Everybody's P.O.V

The coach got somebody to get to the phone and ring the ambulance, while that was happening Coach, Lily carried Isabella while Claudia, Ava, Zoe and Stephanie called their parents and told them that they are coming with Isabella to the hospital. After that all of the girls tried getting to Izabella's mum but nobody answered and so they tried her father and nobody answered so they texted their parents to see if anybody could get through to them!. Seconds later all 4 of the girls phones beeped from a text message from the blocked ID person and said - I warned told her next time she wont be so lucky and you wouldn't get to her faster the next time kisses -A 😈

Suddenly they knew that this person who ever it is, is very serious and wants something to happen to us for we don't know what for.

The ambulance came and took her away while the coach took us there. P.S the teacher has permission.

Please tell me if you like the book so far and how it is going!. I love writing and I hope this is ok!.........

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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