Chasing Feathers // On Hold

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Chapter 1



                "Can we pretend that airplanes, In the night sky like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now. Wish right now, Wish right now. Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now. Wish right now. Wish right now." 

          The song plays out in the old coffee shop in New York. A young girl sits at the window seat mumbling a few words. Her brown hair is tied in a knot on her head. Her long slim fingers delicately guide a pencil across the page of a worn notebook. The coffee shop was busy, it was lunch hour after all. If you took a closer look at the brown eye'd beauty, you'd notice she was in her own world.

           Every now and then a brave guy would walk up and ask to be seated. She would look them in the eye and mutter things like, "Your grandmother pasted away two years ago? She says hi.". Now this freaked many out, so as quietly as they came. They left in utter amazement and shock. While she would just stare blanky and carry on with her drawings.

        She was use to the silent line between her and the rest of the world. She was use to getting odd looks or being plain ignored by the outside world. She was a loner, because she had a terrfiying gift or a beautiful curse. What ever one you'd like to call it. She could see, hear, and talk to the dead.

       She heard the plee's of the shades as they passed over. Sometimes they wanted revenge, or to hurt others. Or sometimes they just wanted to speak to they're loved ones, for the last times until they're loved ones joined them. Then, there were the ones who didn't know how to find peace. They didn't know how or when they'd finally see the light. So they wondered around the world, every year losing more and more of they're memories.

     The funny thing about this was that she felt more at home with spirits then with actual living people. Emo, depressed, crazy, weird... Classifiy her as you please, but you will never understand how lonely it is to be different.

        "Excuse me, is this seat taken?" A blond hair'd guy says looking her strait in her doe shaped eyes. She says nothing, as she watches him slide out the flemsy looking wooden chair oppsite of her. the wooden chair makes a screeching sound as he carefully slides it out. As he begins to put is weight on the chair, it creeks under the pressure. She says nothing, but she notices all.

          "I'm Hunter and you are?" He asks looking down at her drawing. It was strangely compelling to look at. It was an Airplane with feathers falling in the wind, yet you had to look closer to see that the airplane was actually made out of feathers.

    She stares at him with intensity, as he scans her drawing over and over again. His green eyes becoming wider and wider as he uncovers more about the drawing. "You parents where killed October 12, 2012. You have no other family, besides your Grandmother. Your 19 and your seeking revenge on your parents killer." She says still staring at the handsome man, yet while her face was stone. She felt a unknown feeling in her stomach.

                 His eyes finally look from the amazing picture to the amazing girl infront of him. The stranger who somehow knew of this tragic time in his life.

Now picture this:

A strange beautiful loner who just needs someone to open the door to the real world, and a handsome guy who just needs to close the doors from the past.... If they only knew what each other will mean to them in the future.


Dedicated to NayeliMax for being an amazing fan of mines and downbutnotout for the amazing cover and banner. Hope you enjoyed!



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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2014 ⏰

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