Letting Go One-Shot

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                   LETTING GO

He was in the tunnels on his way for a supply run when he heard it. The most deafening, horrific sound he had ever heard in his young 24 years…and that was saying something considering everything he had been through in his life. The others stopped and for a moment everything was silent as they all instinctively stayed crouched. Until screams echoed through the tunnels. All at once everyone moved. Alec signaled to the X6's to go to ground. Hideout until he found out what was going on. The X5's with him, Nemo and Skyler, headed back with him as back up. Each one of them headed in a different direction. His priority was to find Max. He finally got the girl to fall in love with him and a catastrophic bomb levels the city…just my luck…he thought to himself. One time, will never be enough….

But as he started to run past the first downed building a scream stopped him in his tracks.Damn it…There was no question in his mind, not anymore, he couldn't leave whoever it was behind. He ran into what was left of the building that had been apartments. Three transhumans were huddled next to a small feline like girl no more than 13 pinned by a cement pillar on her legs. Alec didn't waste a beat.

"Okay listen, I need two of you on that side and the other one with me, on the count of three we are going to lift." Everyone nodded. On the count of three everyone did their part, and the little girl rolled out of the way of the pillar as they dropped it back down. "Now you all need to get out of here. Head for the tunnels, they are still open. Is there anyone else in here that you know of?"

"No, but we've never been to the tunnels." One of the transhumans said.

Alec hung his head, of course they probably hadn't been…most of the transhumans were stuck on the inside. Shaking off the set back he looked at the little girl. "I got her just follow me."

Alec headed back towards the tunnels and as he got there he advised them all to go to ground. He told them to find an X6 named Brass. Who had been with him on his way to the supply run. He handed the little girl to one of the transhumans and took off back on the inside. He decided to do this right. IF he was going to save Max, he'd have to save as many people as he could. So building after building he cleared. Getting out as many people as he could. Till he got to the nursery and his heart stopped. And a voice from behind him almost made him jump with joy.

"Medium fella! Babies safe."

Alec swung around taking the scene with a laugh. Joshua had four small babies in his large arms. Gems daughter Hope on his shoulders. And five small toddlers huddled behind him.

"I'm so glad! Josh buddy look, let's get you and the kiddos out of here."

"Bomb, buildings falling FUBAR...very WACK!"

"Yeah Josh…I couldn't agree with you more. Any sign of Max?"

"Little fella was in command, no sign…not yet."

"Okay I'm going to finish clearing these buildings get the kids out of here. I may need your help, find an able body to get them safe. And meet me back here."

"Alec, Joshua and kids safe that's the plan"

"No Josh. As many people as we can safe that's the plan."

Joshua bowed his head, he knew Alec was right.

"Joshua save kids, get them safe. Then come back. Alec stay safe"

"You got it buddy. Then we get Max and get out of here."

"Okay Joshua be back"

As he watched Joshua retreat towards the tunnels with the children, some hope flared within him, but with that bit of hope came a slight feeling of dread. It had been 35 minutes if he had been keeping time right, and no one he's come across had seen Max. He also had no idea where the bomb had come from, and how long he had before the dust would settle and the troops, or familiars or whoever would march in. He had to keep going through the buildings. He decided to work towards command. Another apartment building this time he found a group of 12 X5's all with varying injuries, He helped them get the ones who couldn't walk on their own, back to the tunnels and he headed back towards command. Another apartment building with a few more. The mess hall was completely demolished nothing left, everyone dead. The streets where littered with bodies. Most he knew, very few he'd only met in passing. He had to keep going. He had to have hope. Max would keep going. Max would have hope. He reached the infirmary. The building that was set up next to command. The building was in ruins. But inside he could hear someone screaming. It was Luna, their Doc. She was trapped between a collapsed wall and some ceiling cement. He had to get her out. When Nemo came up behind him he couldn't help but be glad. But Nemo looked apprehensive.

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