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She takes my hand and we walk back to my house.



We walk hand in hand back to his house. I'm so excited to meet his brother and sister. I wonder how old they are. What if they don't like me? Lol, I just found out about they're existence.
"What are you thinking about?" Ashton asks.
I look at him and now, I see that he's staring at me.
"Uhh... Nothing." I smile.
"C'mon, tell me." He says while we keep walking.
I sigh.
"What if you're brother and sister don't like me?" I ask.
"They will."
"But what if they don't?"
"They will, believe me."
"Okay." I smile.

We walk in silence until we reach his house. He opens the door and I follow him.
"Want something to drink?" He asks.
I nod my head, not even trying to speak because I know my voice will fail.
We walk to the kitchen and he looks in the fridge.
"C'mon, I can do that myself. You really don't have to do that." I say while I grab the bottle water out of his hands.
I try to open a kitchen cupboard, but I fail. I'm too small. I stand on my tiptoes, but still I can't reach it. I see a hand go up and grabs a glass.
"See, you need me." He smirks while he puts the glass in front of me. He wraps his arms around me and nuzzles his head in my neck, again.
"right now, I need you to let me go so I can fill my glass."
He just shakes his head.
"Please?" I ask.
"You didn't even say thank you."
"Ashton, thank you so much that you grabbed the glass for me."
"What 'No'?"
"I want something else."
"And what do you want?"
"You know what I want." He smirks before he turns me around facing him.

I let his lips land softly on mine. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. Ashton leans in, what makes me lean on the counter.
"Awhhh. I knew it!" I hear.
We quickly let go and Ashton turns around. I look over his shoulder and see his mum standing in the door.
"Oh, don't bother me. I just came to grab something," she smirks at Ashton and winks and me. I feel the red going up to my cheeks. I'm happy when his mum leaves and he turns around to me again. Then he smirks.
"What's so funny about this?" I ask.
"Nothing, you're just cute when you blush." He says as he leans in again.

Then I hear someone else come. I hear Ashton sigh and he turns around again. Again, I look over his shoulder. Now, in the door stands a pretty girl. I think she's about 15.
"Who's this?" She asks.
"Lauren, this is Sierra. Sierra this is Lauren, my sister." He introduces us.
She wiggles her eyebrows and says
"Ooo, Ashton brought home a girl."
"Lauren.." Ashtons warns.
"Brother." She still smirks.
I hear him sigh again and she smirks even brighter.
"Are you two...,?" She asks.
"Yes, we are. At least, as far as I know." I say.
"Oh, we are. Don't you dare to run away. Not now, not now I finally got you." He says pointing a finger at me, but still smiling.
"You were the one who ran away, not me."
I smirk and look at Lauren. She seems nice. I see her smirking at me and rolling her eyes.
I laugh softly. She smiles and walks away.

"I thought she was never gonna leave." He says before pushing his Lips hungry onto mine. I back away first but then I kiss him back.
"Ew." I hear again.
He sighs, very loud this time.
"What do you want Harry?" Ashton asks turning around to his brother.
"Nothing, Lauren said you brought a girl." He says trying to look at me.
He's cute, I think about 9 years old. He has the same curls as Ashton.
"Harry, just go. You'll meet her another time."
"Ashton, c'mon babe, don't be so rude." I smirk walking around Ashton to Harry.
"I'm Sierra." I smile at Harry.
"I'm Harry."
"You see, wasn't that hard." I turn around to Ashton.
"Yeah, you met her Harry, now go." Ashton says.
"Sorry dude, I tried." I say to Harry lifting my shoulders.
"Don't mind Sierra. I'll see ya around." He says before he leaves.

When he's out of sight Ashton pushing me back against the counter. He pushes his lips onto mine again, even hungrier than before. I smile of the feeling and he moans softly.
Then my phone rings.
"You've got to be kidding me." He sighs, letting me go.
I pick up and hear it's my mum.
"Sierra, where are you?!" I hear her as,.
"Take it easy mum, I'm okay. I'm at Ashtons."
"I need you to come home."
"But mum!"
"Now, Sierra!!"
After that she hangs up the phone. Why the hell is she acting like that? I look confused at Ashton.

"What's wrong?" He asks.
"I don't know, my mum wants me home. Now." I say confused.
"Well, go. I'll see you tomorrow." He says kissing me one more time while he walks me out.
"I'll see you tomorrow." I smile while I kiss him again.

Titanium (Ashton Irwin Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant