Chapter One

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"Grace! Come down for breakfast, I've made your favourite. Pancakes!" Mum called up to me. Today was my last morning at home as that afternoon I would be heading off to move into my new dorm at University. I had submitted my accommodation form early so that I would get a good, affordable room with an en suite bathroom. 

When I got downstairs my little twin brothers, Luke and Liam, were carelessly poring syrup over their stack of pancakes. My sister, Daniella, was doing her homework last minute and repeatedly telling the boys to be quiet. I was definitely going to miss the hectic school mornings at home. Liam ran over and gave me a very sticky hug. "I'm going to miss Gracey" he said, clinging onto me and smearing syrup over my jeans. 

"I'll miss you too, Liam! I'll miss all of you but I'll be home on weekends. And you can come visit and we'll get ice cream," I smiled, reassuring him.
"I can't believe today's the big day!" Mum said. She looked even more nervous than me. I was only moving 30 minutes away from home, to a little seaside town called Eaststone, but I was close to my mum so I understood how me moving out from home would effect her.
"Me either mum. I'll start loading the car after breakfast with my boxes. I've put the things I'm not taking into the attic," I told her.
"Okay love. We'll set off at about 12 and we can grab some lunch on the way over."

We arrived at Eaststone University just before 1pm. There were students with bright yellow t-shirts that said things like, "ASK ME" or "APPROACH ME" all over the entrance grounds and colourful bunting was everywhere I looked. It strangely felt like I had fallen into wonderland.

 I wasn't sure where I was supposed to go to get my key or where my dorm even was so mum and I made our way over to one of the 'ask me' students who kindly pointed us in the direction of the main reception. As we made our way across the grounds I noticed a very fancy limousine had parked up but the windows were blacked out so I couldn't make out who was inside.

"Probably some rich senior lecturer wanting to impress the newbies on our first day," I told mum and we both laughed at the idea.


"Hi. It's my first day here, I've come to pick up my dorm key," I told the girl sat behind the reception desk.
 "Welcome to Eaststone! I'm Ella and I'm a third year student here but I work on the reception every now and again too. Can I take your name please and the subject you're studying this year?" She asked.
"It's Grace Evans, and I'll be studying Journalism and English" I told her. I suddenly felt really nervous, the fact that I was actually starting University was finally sinking in.
"Great, just give me one minute and I'll find out your room number now for you." 
As she typed in my details onto her computer mum gave me a reassuring look, probably noticing that I was nervous.
"Oh, hmm. Miss Evans, there appears to have been a problem with the room you are staying in. If you'd just give me a second...".
I gulped and my heart started to beat so fast that the light material of the top I was wearing was rising up and down rapidly. It would just be my luck for things to go wrong on my first day before I had even properly started.

"Ah, there's nothing to worry about! There was a problem with your room. Unfortunately there was a leak and the room cannot be used this year due to health and safety reasons. But don't worry, the issue has been resolved. You have actually been transferred to a much bigger and more expensive house. Usually those rooms are snapped up by the rich folks wanting only the best for their kids. But... It just so happens that there's been a couple of last minute drop outs this year so the room is all yours!" She grinned.

"Oh no, that's kind of you but I don't think I will be able to afford that. This was really the top of my budget!" I cried. I was going to have to go home and I felt so upset.
"Grace, it was our mistake, we pay for it. We wouldn't make you pay for the upgrade! You will pay the same amount that you would have paid in the other room so you're actually very lucky. One of your neighbours has also had the same upgrade. You'll be staying in Clover House which has 30 rooms. As you know our campus is close to the beach, and your house is the closest to it. You really couldn't ask for a better place. You'll see," Ella grinned.

"Does that sound ok to you love? Personally I think it will be much better for you! I feel a lot more assured knowing you'll have lots of space and...well, you'll be around rich people's children" she quietened her voice, "so they will be people who actually want to learn."
"It sounds great mum. Thank you ever so much," I told Ella as she handed over a key.

We walked to the furthest end of campus where I noticed there was the library and on from that was the students union bar. Finally we saw a sign that said Clover House and had an arrow pointing down a sandy pathway. The house was on the beach front and it took my breath away instantly. I'd never seen a place so big, it was white and the outside was lined with huge windows and balconies.

"This place must cost a fortune to stay in!" I gasped. I could tell that mum was in as much awe as I was. We made our way to the entrance and marvelled at the grand spiral staircase inside before making our way to the third floor. I was in room 22 and we figured that there were 10 rooms to a floor, my room even had a balcony that overlooked the sea. I honestly had never seen a room so nice before. A large double bed stood in the centre of the room with lavender coloured bedding and there was a huge pin board above it which I could pin my photos from home onto. I had a desk located close to the balcony and a window above it which I could look out of to see the distant waves.

"Isn't it wonderful? It's bigger than your room at home! You're going to have a great time here Gracey," mum told me with a big smile on her face. I couldn't believe my luck, things like this didn't often happen to me.
"It really is an amazing room. It's so peaceful too. I am a bit worried though. That girl on reception was saying how it's the richest of rich that stay here so what if they're really snobby? What if I don't fit in?" I asked her. It was something that had worried me as soon as I saw the house; it didn't look like a place where I belonged.

"Don't you worry about that. I'm sure the people here will be lovely! Just be yourself and everyone will love you. You're going to be fine. I promise. Now, why don't we go get the rest of your bags from the car and begin unpacking? It says here that you have a welcome assembly at 3 so I'll stay for a little bit and then let you get settled," she said as she read through the leaflets that had been left on my desk.

Mum left just after 2. "Look after yourself love. I will see you at the weekend! I love you and i'm so proud of you," she told me as she was leaving. We both got a little bit teary but after many more hugs she left and I composed myself. I remembered Ella from reception telling me that one of my neighbours had been upgraded rooms so I decided it would be good to meet her or him. I wasn't sure which neighbour it was so I knocked on the door to the left, room 20, which was just a short walk down the corridor.

After I knocked there was a few minutes silence until finally my neighbour came to the door. I'll be honest, he took me by surprise. He was tall, had blonde, wavy-styled hair that wasn't too long but not too short and looked naturally windswept. He had the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen and looked naturally tanned. I felt as though I was looking at somebody from a movie or something! I quickly composed myself from my sudden moment of madness and put on a bright smile, "Hi! I'm Grace. I've just arrived today. Are you the other person who had the room upgrade? It's exciting isn't it," I exclaimed a little too enthusiastically. I really felt like covering my face or running away the moment he answered the door; that would probably have been less embarrassing.

He gave me a funny look, smirked then said (in a very posh accent), "Good afternoon, Grace. I'm Alex King."

I suddenly got the feeling that he wasn't the neighbour who had been upgraded.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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