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Just a list of fandoms the countries are secretly in. :)

Italy: The Selection
Germany: Undertale
Japan: Bee and Puppycat
America: The Avengers
England: Lord of the Rings
France: Disney
China: Steven Universe
Russia: Star Trek
Prussia: Pretty Little Liars
Canada: Once Upon A Time
Romano: Creepy Pasta
Greece: Sailor Moon
Turkey: The Hunger Games
Bulgaria: Doctor Who

Spain: American Horror Story

Romania: Supernatural
Norway: Glee
Iceland: Homestuck
Sweden: Game of Thrones
Finland: Percy Jackson
Denmark: Pokemon
Austria: The Walking Dead
Hungary: Adventure Time
Netherlands: Zelda
Belgium: Powerpuff Girls
Ukraine: Harry Potter
Belarus: Sherlock
Switzerland: Gravity Falls
Liechtenstein: Star Wars
Poland: My Little Pony
Lithuania: Night Vale
Estonia: Vocaloid
Latvia: One Direction


What fandoms from this list are you guys in? I'm curious.

I'm in:
Hetalia (obviously)
Gravity Falls, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Homestuck, Supernatural, The Selection, Undertale, Bee and Puppycat, PLL, Sailor Moon, and The Walking Dead.

But that's just the ones from this list.

Hetalia Headcanonsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें