Chapter 8

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Since the day me and August kissed, it's been kind of awkward. I could feel the tension between me and him. Not a bad tension but, you know. I mean he's seen my breast, kissed my neck, even left hickeys so I don't know why.

" What you thinking about ? " August nugged me with his elbow

" Aww nothing. Wanna go out for breakfast? "
I asked, turning my phone off

" Yes, Denny's the move right now "

" Okay, let me go get my wallet " I said running up the stairs

I came down and August was turning off the tv and waiting on me by the door.

We left out and headed to his car and he got in, starting the car and pulling out.

As he was driving, I turned the radio on and the middle of Sex With Me by Rihanna was on . I turned it up a little, singing along with it

" You know I got the sauce, you know I'm saucy, and it's always wet, a bitch never ever had to use lip gloss on it, I'mma need you deeper than six, it's not a coffin, We're not making love, tryna get nasty.. "

I looked over to August and he was smirking.

" I knew you was an undercover freak "

I smirked and continued singing.

Finally we pulled up to Denny's, not many cars out here so it shouldn't be too packed.

" Give me your hand " August said as we walked towards the entrance

" Why? "

" Because, a nigga that look like this, somebody gone try to be all over me and we like each other , that would be rude to you "

" Sounds about right, but who told you I liked you?  " I smirked

" Trust me, I know. " he said as we held hands, walking into Dennys

" Hello, Welcome to Denny's , would you two like to be seated ? " the waitress smiled

" Yes " I smiled back politely

She seated us at a booth by the window.

" I'll give you all a chance to look through the menu and a waiter will be back to take your orders " she smiled again, walking away

At least 5 minutes later, a waiter came to our table.

" Hello. I'm Shaun, I'm your waiter today, how about we start with the drinks. "

I chose orange juice and August chose Coffee.

" And to eat? " the waiter said

I chose pancakes as well as August but he chose an omelette along with it.

" You must want him or some " August said as the waiter walked away , I looked up from my phone to see him mugging me

" What made you think that? "

" Cause the way you smiling at him and the way he looking at you. "

" I mean he's attractive but that don't mean I want him. "

" I hope you don't, cause I was being considerate enough to act as though we a couple so if someone was to flirt with me, it wouldn't be rude to you, it'd be nice if you acted the same , damn. "

" Well I ain't tell you to do that. "

" Yeah? That's how you feel ? "

" Not exactly. I was just saying. "

You Deserve Better.. August Alsina Story ( ON HOLD )Where stories live. Discover now