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I should have known that this would happen. This is what always happens in every damn cliché book or teen movie when the dumb girl who, for some insane reason, doesn't realise that her 'oh so perfect' boyfriend doesn't actually care about her as much as she basically assumed, nope. So while she's gazing into his gorgeous chocolatey brown eyes he's too busy looking elsewhere...anywhere it appears but back at her...What is up with that?! Not once did she call him up on it or even suggest that he was not only the shittiest boyfriend in the world but arguably the shittest person to ever step foot onto this Earth. She's obviously deranged or something.

Okay that went too far, yes the deranged girl is me and yes I "dated" the dreamboat guy of the year, the guy everyone wanted to date, and from that moment on I became a walking, talking stereotype of someone that I despised myself but then I actually became one. All because I fell in love with those stupid chocolatey brown eyes. You may have noticed the included inverted commas surrounding the word "dated", or you may not have, in which case is fine but now you have noticed so let me explain.

This guy actually uttered these words to me " I think as we are young it would be better if we weren't an exclusive couple ya get me?" This is the exact pin pointed moment where the alarm bells should have been pounding inside my head telling me to get away from this despicable excuse for a human before I get sucked in too deep. But guess what I did? I looked into those chocolatey brown eyes and my heart melted as they did the first time I saw him. Then I said, "Of course that's fine, we're too young to be making any life changing decisions anyway, plus you know studying always comes first for me. Thank you for understanding" Like what in actual Gods name is wrong with me? Like he's doing ME a favour?Why did I let him walk over me for so long whilst I was left oblivious and puppy dog eyed.

But obviously this story wouldn't be nearly as interesting if I didn't get my fair share of bittersweet revenge to get out of my rut of the classic Hollywood movie cliché's. So here you go, I'm Amber Sydney and this is my story of how I got over the boy with the chocolatey brown eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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