The View Of A Child

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The sun slowly broke free over the horizon, showing off its beautiful warm glow. It's light slipping through the creaks between and around the curtains of a small farm house out on the prairies. Far from any town, this farm was built and run by a married couple who both shared one dream of running a farm. Soon after they built their dream they welcomed their first child, a boy. A few years later a girl came along, then after that was two boys, and after a unplanned event they had one more boy as well. Even if they had their differences and problems and fights. These siblings had the closest bond and all were protective of each other. They couldn't be separated, and their love ran deeply for each other.

One by one they each learned how to walk, the talk, then jump around, soon enough they all were laughing and running. They learned how to be wild in the forest, how to be carful in the house like when cleaning glass, how to be strong like when their precious dog passed away due to old age. They went to elementary school then middle school then graduated high school. And one by one, they had left their childhood behind along the way.
Even though now all siblings lived in different houses, married and with their own little children. They remained together at heart, even at times where it seemed impossible to see each other or get along they remain together.

The hardest pull on their family was when a horrible accident happened to the second oldest family resulting in tragedy and also a 3 year old grandchild to be alone most the time. So in the end the now old married couple decided to take in their grandchild who as the sun seeped into his room was already awake and getting dressed after freshly out of the shower, with a large smile on his face.

10 years have now passed and everyday he waited, he waited for today because today is different from every other day. Today is more important to him than any other day? Far more important than his birthday or Christmas or Halloween. Today is the day.

He climbed down the stairs trying to be as quiet as a mouse like he did every morning in order he did not wake his grandmother or grandfather. And as he walked into the kitchen he was surprised with his grandparents already awake, dressed and having their morning cup of coffee and tea. Quickly getting over his surprise, he ran over to his grandparents giving them their 'good mornings' and hugs then jumped into his grandfathers lap. He looked over to his grandmother who buttered her toast with trembling hands. He knew very well that this wasn't just the day he was only waiting for, but his grandparents and uncles have also been waiting for this day too. Wanting this day to come maybe just as much as he did.

After finishing breakfast the boy went outside, picking up a large branch he whistled and called for Ruby. Soon enough a border collie bounded from the red and white barn, tail waging and tongue hanging limply out of her mouth. He giggled and threw the stick as hard as he could into the field, watching Ruby sprinting for the stick. They played fetch and chase as they waited for the rest of the family to come and they eventually did arrive. Keeping his distance, the boy watched as his cousins jumped out of their car and run to hug their grandparents, smiling and laughing as they did. Their parents following but not as happy as their children. His uncles mainly were the ones who were nervous and anxious from waiting for so long.

His uncles and grandparents gathered together and went into a deep conversation, his uncles wives respectfully had their own deep conversation, they understand what today meant for their husbands, not only that but it also had a meaning for them as well.

The boy watched until his grandmother turned towards him and smiled softly waving him over to them. His uncles looked over and all smiled with joy and sadness watching the boy who had the heart of their sister and looked exactly like her ran towards them. The oldest opened up his arms as the boy gladly ran into them giggling as he lifted him over his shoulders and twirled the giggling boy around. After their fun, he put him down. Crouching down he placed his large hands on the boy's tiny shoulders. The man brothers gathered behind him, facing the boy with warm smiles on their faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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