Too Easy, Too Boring

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Delia and her friends were doing something that they would do every single day, playing Boom Zoom, a virtual reality video game.
"This level is so easy! This whole game is so easy!" May, one of Delia's best friends complained," It's getting so boring! I want a challenge."
The others nodded their heads in agreement.
"Then let's play something else instead," Helen suggested, Delia's other best friend.
"Delia!" her mom called.
"Hang on," said Delia to her friends.
"Delia, I need you to go to the grocery store for me!"
"Ugh!" She groaned.
"I feel sorry for you," her friends patted her on the back and left, "Bye!"
"It's so old-fashioned! Nobody does this anymore! Everybody has a robot to do the shopping and the walking! I know that our family is not rich and all, but at least, I know that we could afford a robot!" she burst out when she saw her mom.
Her mom sighed, "You kids these days, your brains are all brainwashed by technologies. Why can't you see the negative affects that it has on you? You are not getting enough exercise, always at home with your little devices. Everything comes with a price. Always remember, at least try to, that life isn't easy, and if it's easy, it's not life, please, sweetheart, me and your father just want the best for you."
She rolled her eyes at that, "Pft, right, you don't have to give me a lecture to get me to go to the grocery store for you."
People looked at her weirdly as she walked by in their roWnd (a future vehicle that resembles bubble that you can move around in. It can float on air and water, and it is very light so that if you bump into something, it bounces back so it leaves no damage. ) .
She ducked her head and tried to ignore the curious eyes that followed her as she walked into the store. She got some vegetables and fruits for her mom and some sugary snacks for her. It seemed like she was the only human in the store, even the manager of the store is a robot. Thanks a lot, mom, for making me feel so...out of place, she thought.
--------after dinner-----------------------
Now, I have to finish my homework, she reminded herself. She turned on her GTST (glass touch screen tablet). These days, most people are homeschooled, but her mom wanted her to go to an actual school so she could have a more sociable life. Right.
----------2 hours later---------------------
OMG! I only finished my Math HW so far, there's still LA and History and Science! She frustratedly thought.
-----------4 hours later-------------------
Ugh! Why can't I just can't be a lucky kid and have robots to do with everything to do for me!?
She finally finished all of her HW. As she lay in bed, she thought of the things that her mom said to her, life is not easy, and if it's easy, it's not life at all. Then what is it? She asked herself, but wouldn't it be so much easier if life was easy?
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