After the storm...

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I know I don't hav 10 likes yet but I'll just update anyways...
This is the fourth time I'm writing this chapter! For some reason, it never saved for me. So this is my fourth attempt! Here goes:
Delia's POV
"Mom, I need to talk to you about something."
"Yeah?" Mom replied from the kitchen.
"Yeah," I started, "You know how I'm really uncomfortable with the whole-human-exercise-instead-of robot-doing-your-works thing? Well, I feel like it's getting worse. Mom, you have to know how it's getting out of control. People in school are making fun of me, I'm being bullied in school because of it, Mom!"
Mom was quiet for a several minutes, "Delia, I raised you to be tough. Life involves challenges, hardships, that's how you get stronger. Did you ever heard of the phrase, what doesn't kill you make you stronger? Everyone experiences hardships at least once in a while, it's life. It's how we learn, how humanity survived through so many generations, it's a gift, Delia! Don't throw it way! Open your eyes and see the world right now! It's garbage! It upsets me very much to see the world as it is, but I hope, that once we realize this fact, we will change for a better future, we learn from mistakes, after all. I just hope that it's not too late. Life is not easy..."
"...and if it's easy, it's not life! Yeah yeah, I know, how many times are you going to tell me that?!" I could feel blood rushing to my brain, making me see red, " You are such a selfish person and the worst mother in the ENTIRE WORLD!!!! You never think about what others might feel. You're the one who's not seeing the world clearly, the one who is making all these mistakes! How dare you! How dare you!"
Mom looked like someone slapped her real hard across the face multiple times, " Delia..."
"Is this the part where you tell me that I'm not fit to be your daughter? That you never wanted me as a daughter? Well, you can't force me to be your perfect daughter! I'm my own person! I can be whoever I want to be! Me!" I screamed out the words, I didn't plan for the peaceful conversation that I had in mind with my mother to turn out like this.
"No..."she never get to finish the sentence because I already ran out of the front door and slammed it shut. The last thing I see was my mom on her knees begging me to come back with a tear-streaked face. The sight would break anyone's heart but I felt light now that I let it all out.
I didn't know where I was going, just running blindly, until I found myself in the Blackwood Forest. I heard some pretty spooky tales about it. It got me every single time. But here I was, wandering in it.
I should go back and tell Mom I'm sorry. A part of me screamed, why am I out here, all alone, at night, when I'm supposed to be back at home, sleeping soundly in my comfortable, cozy bed?
No, Mom wouldn't want me back at home, she doesn't care about me, she would abandon me out here as a punishment! Another part of me argued.
It was like having an angel and a demon on your shoulders, weighing your options. Sadly, the demon part of me won, anger won over guilt.
So I kept walking or who knows how long. I couldn't keep track of time.
A twig snapped.
Ahhhhh! Who's there!?!? I yelped, if I wanted to stay hidden, it wasn't smart of me to make any noise, but sometimes, I just act in my instinct, without a thought of what I'm doing.
It's probably just a squirrel, I tried to calm myself down, you're being to edgy, it was probably nothing.
Storm clouds were clouding the night sky. It's going to rain soon, so I should probably find a shelter, or at least something to stay in during the storm, I thought.
I was right, it started pouring instantly. I wasn't fortunate enough to find a shelter, so I got soaked all over. Great.
Lightning flashed and thunder boomed. I jumped at the loud noise.
The lightning gave me enough light so that I could see in the darkness. Loomed above the trees, I saw a building, or what I hoped looks like a silhouette of a building.
I headed toward it.
It might not even be anything, but I don't care, right now, everything is a risk, so it's ether this risk or that risk. I picked this risk.
So there we go! This better save...or I'll have to write...again!!!😱
Thank you guys, for reading this story and I hope you'll have an AWesome day!!!!!!!!!! 😉

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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