KuroKen Promposal.

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Kenma isn't really fond of asking people to prom, since well..he's never gone to one. But this year, he's had a crush on his volleyball bud, Kuroo. Kenma planned this out (yes planned it out) the night before, so it could all go just the way he thinks Kuroo would like best. Kenma bought Kuroo some (w/e his fave is) flowers, with a note that stated, "Will you go to prom with me, Player 2?" (CHEESY IK SHUSH) and a little surprise for him, which was a black cat. (Representin' amiright)
Once they leave volleyball practice, Kenma finally calls Kuroo over to him and gives him the flowers. "H-hey, Kuroo. I know this may seem rather cheesy but, here."
Immediately Kuroo's cheeks turn beet red, as he sees the note. He chuckles.
Kuroo:"You always bring video games into things like this, don't you Kenma."
Kenma: "It's a priority. And wait. I have something else to give to you."
(Kuroo's been wanting a cat for ages but his parents didn't really have enough money for one, so Kenma thought it would be a great gift.)
Kenma then pulls up a small cage, which holds a smol black kitten.
Kuroo squealed as Kenma opened the cage up and was brought to (happy) tears.
"You got a cat (kitten, w/e) for me, Kenma?"
Kenma then blushes.
"I wanted my promposal to go well so-"
Kenma was interrupted by a kiss on the lips.
"Yes. I will go to the prom with you, pudding head."


- brychanpansan

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