prodigys Pov

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me:hey babe
Kk:hey babe
me:i missed u
Kk:I missed u to love
Me:I'm bored what u wanna do
Kk:text prince or trinity
Text  messages
ilovemeaimechicken- hey prince wanna come over u and trinity
Ilovemesomechicken-ok and Kk here to
misfits4life- aight see u in a lil bit bro
~end of text~
Prince pov
Me: Babe wake up
trinity: ........
me: ~kisses her~
trinity: wakes up smiling
me: laughs
trinity: what u want bruh
me:we goin to prods house so get dressed
me:and Kks there to
trinity :hops up fast
Me:laughs u cray cray Kk
trinity:I don't feel so good
me:what's wrong
trinity: my stomach hurts but ill be alright
me ok

My Bully (Trinity and a jacob perez love story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ