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Chapter 1.

Daniela Martinez wanted to enter her hometown with a bang.

Which she managed to do, just not in the way that she was hoping to.

After being AWOL for the past four years she figured that the bigger the entrance the better. Too bad she didn't seem to think things through before acting.

She stared at her crushed front bumper, watching as smoke poured out of the bonnet. Her eyes trailed to the power pole currently getting up close and personal with her car's special places and she shot it a nasty glare.

That pole had most definitely not been there four years ago.

Therefore it wasn't exactly her fault she had driven straight into it, since no one had thought to inform her on it. She nodded to herself; she would go with that excuse if anyone asked.

She looked back to her car, wondering what she should do. She crept forward slightly, as though the car was going to explode any second. And who was she to say that it wouldn't? She was no mechanic. It was times like these where she wished that she had paid attention to her father's lectures on how to change a tire.

Though she didn't particularly think that changing one of her tires would help her right now.

It almost made her laugh as she remembered what her father had told her when he tried to teach her how to change her car tire.

"Daniela, this is an important life skill you need to know," he had scowled at her as his Mexican accent bled through his English, "do you want to end up stranded because you've blown a tire?"

It was ironic because her father had never taught her how to fix a car engine and now she was stranded.

As she debated on what to do 'White & Nerdy' suddenly began blaring from her phone. She smiled at her custom ringtone for her eldest brother. It was hilarious because my brother was neither white nor nerdy.

"Hola!" I chirped into the phone, holding it to my ear with one hand while tapping hesitantly on the smoking hood of my car with the other.

"Dani where are you? You're 45 minutes late and mom's beginning to freak out," Reynardo Martinez, AKA Rey, AKA Retardo was the eldest Martinez spawn and also the lamest.

At least in my eyes he was.

"I'm just picking up some flowers," I told him, trying to make it seem as realistic as possible.

"Dani you've been using that excuse since you were 14," Rey deadpanned, not falling for my excuse.

"Well you see the funny thing is..." I trailed off, trying to think quickly of a reasonable explanation. Coming up empty I decided to just come clean. "I maybe, possibly, kind of crashed my car."

"Dani," I heard him sigh my name exasperatedly.

"Does it count as crashing it if the pole came out of nowhere?" I wondered.

"Does it count as murder if the person drove you to it?" he fired back.

I paused. "is there a hidden threat somewhere in there?"

I could have sworn that he growled.

"What do you want me to do? If I leave mum is going to ask questions," Rey said. I decided not to mention that when I showed up without my car she was going to ask questions.

Before I could think of a plan of action a loud cry cut through the crisp morning air.

"Ay! Mi dios!" the shrill cry had me turning sharply to see a familiar face come running towards me.

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