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I’m a warrior.

I have a simple mission from God - To eliminate the impure.

For thousands of years, existence has been difficult, what with the pagans and myths - Legends and memories - wandering around alongside us. They have made things difficult - They’ve made them complicated when they could have been easy.

I was chosen by the Father to rid our precious Earth of these creatures. No disgusting monsters and devils would wander these mountains and pollute these beautiful springs. The humans would respect us as the superiors - Always. Forever.

I was effective at what I did. With my trusted blade, Deiexercitius, I slayed many. In itself, the battle with Set was not different than the others I encountered. His body rested in the ground, marked only by a pile of stones and a small cross. It was at the end of my prayer over him that I sensed another presence. I would have been more alert, but something about them seemed familiar, safe - Even if I had yet to see their face. It was not until an arrow embedded itself in me that I thought for sure I had been mistaken.

For fortune, my attacker had been a friend - As strange as it seems - and had meant to only debilitate me, but not to kill me. As my dreary senses sharpened, a young woman came into focus, adorned with armor and a sense of glory that I knew in only a few.

“Good morning, Sleeping Beauty,” she greeted, hinting at a playful mocking of sorts, “I was wondering if you were ever going to get up.”

“Athena,” I replied, finally coming around completely, “I should have guessed you would be behind this. And the arrow - That must have been Robyn’s work.” I took in my current situation. My wrists were strapped to a chair, in which I sat. My prized sword was nowhere to be seen, but I would inquire for her when the time was right.

“Michael, Michael, Michael,” she laughed, shaking her head, “I can see right through you, you know? Worrying about that silly sword of yours. I can promise it is safe.”

“She’s not silly!” I interjected, “and her name is Deiexercutius! If you aren’t going to give her the proper respect she deserves, give her back.”

“Sorry, no can do,” she shrugged, “I’ve got an agenda, you see. Robyn and I aren’t the only ones who were in on this mission, you know.”

“Oh, so that’s what this is?” I scoffed, slightly amused, “You can’t kill me, Athena. We both know that. Unless you are going to drive that sword into me here and now, it’s not going to happen.”

“Not a bad idea,” another voice said, entering whatever small room we were in, “I’d be happy to, if that’s your choice way to go.” She sounded bitter and her arms were crossed.

“Sulis.” Athena shot her a look, “Come on. We’re trying to convert him - Not kill him. That makes us just as bad as he is.”

“Conversion?” I laughed, “Really? That’s your plan? I’ve been given a mission from God, Athena! I highly doubt you come before him.”

“Your god, Michael,” she turned back to him, “Not ours.”

“Regardless, it still stands,” I continued, “What I am doing is justice. You may not be like others, Athena, but the most of the lot are revengeful and will bring humanity down with them. This Celtic spring goddess is a prime example of this.”

“Oh, and you’re so much better?” Sulis hissed, “Killing those like you so you can ascend to glory? Hardly what I’d consider noble, Sir Archangel.”

“What I do is for the good of my charge, not for myself,” I informed, “And I am nothing like you. You call yourself gods, but many of you fall under the strike of an archangel’s blade. Hardly what I’d consider all powerful.”

“And you would fall victim to Artemis’ arrow or Arthur’s sword. You are as weak as any of us,” Silus spat.

“I don’t claim to be a god.”

“Guys, guys... Come on,” Athena stepped in, “You’re not forming Yangle while I’m here. Shape it up.” I rolled my eyes. The others, they lived by a system of relations, ranging from pure hatred to destined lovers, with some bouncing back and forth between the two. I knew a total of eleven - I believe in only six.

“I do not believe in such things, so creating a relation like that would not be possible for me,” I replied, “Besides. Aren’t opposites supposed to be equals? This pagan bath enchantress is nowhere near me in our respective hierarchies.”

“I’ll have you know I’m so important the Romans kept my original name,” Sulis hissed, bloodshed about ready in her eyes.

Hey!” Athena snapped, making both of us turn to her with a wide-eyed look, like fledglings being scolded by their superiors, “Stop it! You two are grown adults! Act like it for heaven’s sake - Pun completely intended.”

“Sorry,” I mumbled, turning to the side. I know, a archangel such as myself shouldn’t be acting in such a manner, but Athena is scary when she’s angry and - as I had mentioned - I did not consider myself a god by any means. She could easily call her sister and have her pierce and arrow through my heart - That is if she didn’t tear me to pieces, herself.

“Hmm,” Sulis huffed, crossing her arms, again and staring at the wall, brooding. Clearly I wasn’t the only one who felt this way.

“Look, Michael,” Athena continued, “We just want you to listen to us. That’s all. Hear us out.”

“I will be obligated to kill anyone I come into contact with, Athena,” I warned, “As is my sworn duty. Even if not today, I will have no choice but to return and do so, eventually.”

“We are all aware,” Sulis interjected, “Everyone has been briefed with the severity of this procedure and the dangers it could bring.”

“We believe they are all on your hit-list, anyways,” Athena assured.

“I suppose hearing you out won’t hurt,” I allowed, “But I will not be deterred from my mission.”

“We can only hope you are wrong,” Athena replied, sadly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2013 ⏰

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