1 The Crime Scene 1

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My first impression was a horrible one. Blood. Blood and gore. Blood, gore, shreds of muscle, and brain matter. It was a mess. And even worse than the sight is the smell, I'm no anthropologist but I could tell that smell wasn't natural... The body isn't that old, a few hours, the blood is still wet. How could it smell that terrible?

I pull my shirt up to cover my nose and close my eyes for a few seconds. Then I cast about for Wayne, finding him doing much the same thing while crouching over something. (I guess he got distracted from the body) I walk as fast as I can manage without stepping in something gruesome. He glances up as I reach him, a frown furrowing his brow. Understanding, I crouch next to him, looking about for anything of relevence. There, a dirty, 1957 penny with a deep scratch across it. I turn my head toward him and squint my eyes, wondering what the importance of it could possibly be. He continues to look down at the small, old, probably valuable object. Then, as if on a whim, he looks up and aroud to see if anyone is watching, then promptly picks up the penny and puts in in the pocket of his pressed slacks. We stand up about the same time, then nonchalantly continue looking over the grisly scene.

Only a small whisp of confusion floats through my mind, by now I'm used to his strange ways. He mostly goes off of hunches 'gut feelings' he calls them. But it works, so I don't say anything.

The body itself appeared to have been beaten, stabbed, drug a distance, then the head somehow exploded. The science team at the lab is testing some material to see what was used as an explosive, though as of yet they have no leads... Why does it take so goddamn long?!

We hurry over to the remains before they ferensics come and move the body, wanting to not miss anything.

We arrive and, with a start, I realize that the stench of rotting flesh isn't coming from this body. But if not from here, then where??

The surrounding surburban area looks so peacful and undisturbed, well except for the multitude of federal vehicals and yellow tape. But just a few days before it was a totally normal, safe neighborhood. Children ran around carefree, unwatched and unaware.

But not now.

Or maybe ever.

What the hell is that?

"Wayne!" I whisper as I tug on his sleeve like a small child.

He looks away from the corpse and down to me, one dark brow quirked.

I just look up past the body farther back to the rest of the playground.

We walk around the mess of a body back to the shed belinging to a nearby house.

No, it's not really a suspicious looking building. Not anything like you'd see on the television.

The gray paint is neat, the doorknob shiny and printless, but something-

"Just doesn't feel right" mutters Wayne beside me, finishing my thought out-loud.

After having an assistant talk to the owners and fetch a key we both walk inside, completely unsure what we'll find.

Which is nothing.

Everything is in place, hanging on walls or sitting on well organized shelves.

My partner and I exchange dissapointed and confused expressions. Our instincts aren't usually wrong. Ever.

I swear I saw something... 

 However, even after thirty minutes of looking there wasn't anything to be found. So we moved back to the body (which was being gathered up and placed on a bunch of metal trays that looked a little too similar to a cooking sheet for my liking) and then back to the office to brainstorm.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2012 ⏰

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