What you like to do together

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Sam- You and Sam love too cook/bake, usually you do most of the cooking because Sam's too busy eating, but you both love it because you spend time together and it's great bonding.
Paul- You and Paul both love to go to the beach. Even if you guys just sit and talk or go swimming.
Jared- You and Jared love to go for late night walks. If either of you can't sleep or your bored you go for a walk and talk.
Embry- You and Embry love lazy days. Binge watching Netflix and laying their cuddling is how you guys like to spend time together.
Jacob- You and Jake love hanging out in his garage. Whether your sitting their talking/cuddling or if your just watching him work.
Quil- You and Quil love going for drives. If you have too much on your mind it helps calm you down (anxiety problems). You guys can just blast music and drive, your usually looking out the window at the scenery and Quil is usually looking at you.
Seth- You and Seth like watching movies. Dosent matter if it's at a theatre or in one of your living rooms. You both love it.

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