Graduation and attraction

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                                  CHAPTER 1                                                             Hey guys,this is my first story on wattpad so please bear...

Special thanks to FamzySalvatore for the cover and for editing;)thnx cuzzy

Elena's Mom ^^^sophia
Elena's POV

I've been waiting for this day since years...And I can't believe it's finally here,my graduation day at Oakridge college and I'll be finally joining mom's family business which was my dream since I was in kindergarten.I really miss dad today and I wish he was here to see me graduate,he would have been so proud but I know that he is always with me and will always be.I still remember it like it was yesterday,I was sitting besides his hospital bed while mom was slicing some apples for him and the machine,out of the blue made a loud beep which I knew what it meant as I was in 11nth grade.Mom called out for the doctor immediately and he told us to go wait outside the room.Later we got to hear the last thing we wanted  to hear from the doctor was, "Sorry to say but Mr McClough is no more!"

I was writing in my diary while I heard a loud scream that came from downstairs which possibly was my mom"We running late Lena,you don't wanna miss your graduation, do you?"Ohhh yeah I remembered,I took a quick glance at the clock and saw that there's only an hour before the graduation ceremony starts but I'm sure we will make it because it's only a twenty minute drive from where we live.After all my mom is an unstoppable rocket when it comes to hitting the road.

"I'm ready mom,just tell Emma to get the car ready"was all I could say,as I was in a hurry to get my shoes on. Emma has been my nanny since forever,I thought I was grown up and didn't need her anymore but I was wrong because if I can't find or do something for myself she's always up for my rescue.

I quickly got my heels on and as always looked all goody good in my golden knee length dress,with a sweetheart neckline and just a dash of make-up.

"What took you forever Lena?"Mom asked as I took the shotgun.
"Nothing mom,I just couldn't get this freakin' heels on."       
"Language, young lady" mom mock glared at me for using a foul language.
The whole way to the graduation ceremony was a silent drive and once I got off the car mom called out for me and I turned to her.

Mom sighed and inhaled a large amount of oxygen,raised her head and said"You sure you don't want Nate to come see you graduate?"oh no not again.

"Mom,I've said this a thousand times and here I say it again,it's over between Nate and me.There's absolutely nothing left between us,no feelings,no emotions,zilch ,moma and you know that."Nate is my ex who is my mom's best friend,aunt Jenna's son and its probably a year older than me.We were dating for almost a year now but we broke up just 3 weeks back.

"Okay!okay!"Mom exclaimed "But this conversation is not yet over,we've got to talk about it after all this okay?"she added emphasizing the all this part.

I took out a large amount of air and replied"Okay mom,I know that you will never take no for an answer."I sighed.

"Now that's like my girl"Mom had an ear to ear touching smile when she said that."Wait!"she added."We forgot to take a selfie"I felt so oh-god-modern-mothers-huh!!

"Okay mom,but hurry,we've only got 20 mins"I said before she popped her selfie stick out of her handbag.

After the selfies,we took our seats which were in the front row like obviously because she is the guest of honour as known as the best fashion designer, the one and only Mrs Sophia McClough.When the announcement of pupils from the designing category started I felt nervous but excited as well.And here it comes,"The next pupil who got bachelors in designing with a percentage of 87.4 is Ms. Elena McClough."

And out of nowhere I hear"That's my baby!"as I expected it was mom.

"Thank you mom,I love you."I said almost in a whisper.
"Don't keep us waiting Ms.McClough" the dean announced in a polite tone.

The dean handed the degree to me and I felt like I was on cloud nine."Here you go Ms.McClough."

"Thanks"I murmured.The dean started calling the pupils with top percentages as she told me to stay on the podium because I was top in designing. Ms.Johnson (who I don't know that is) was top in arts and lastly I took a look at the stairs where the dean announced Mr.Bills who completed his masters in business management with 93.7 percent and I was shocked with his marks as well as him. 'Damn sexy looks'. Tall,fine jawline,slight of a beard and forest colored eyes,dashing in a three pieced suit.I just fell in love,again.Who is he though?

End of chapter 1....

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