Mario (Karla - Jealousy)

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Mario's POV:
I hate this. Seeing the girl of my dreams with my best friend. It's so hard. "Hey Mario!" She says as her and Blake walk by. "Hi Karla!" I say as I go up to her. I know Blake doesn't really like her but she likes him so much. I wouldn't hurt her like he would. Hm I have a plan. "Alexis!!" I say as I go up to her. "Mario! What's up?" She looks at me. "As you know I like Karla. Can you help me mae her jealous so her and blake can break up and date me... Please? She means so much to me. I don't wanna hurt her. But I feel like Blake will." She looks at me in schock. "Mario. I don't know..." "Please." I beg my best friend. "Fine, let's do this." She says as she grabs my hand and we walk away.

Karla's POV"
"Babe, is Mario and Alexis dating?" I ask Blake as he's playing on his phone. "Wait what?" He sits up. "She's dating him?" Well then. "Why did you say it like that?" I ask him. "Alexis and I dated before you and I and I still love her." He says. That hurt... I get up ad run out not bothering him yelling my name. He never cared. "Mario" I say as I'm crying. "Karla oh my god what happened?" I looked up at him. "He still loves Alexis..." As I cry even more "Shh baby. Don't cry over him. He's dumb." "Mario... I like you... I've alwayd have and will." He looks shocked. "Karla I like you... a lot. Let's take it slow okay baby?" I anwser him with a kiss.

I hope you like it Karla!! Yes I am a Blake fan and know he would never do that

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