Fuck Fuck Fuck

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"So after school? You are gonna do it then?"  Tyler said.

I breathed heavily my hands shaking. We sat in the cafeteria looking at Ryan as he sat with Savannah at what used to be my table. I don't know what Ryan had said to my so called friends but everyone was avoiding me, so here I sat with Tyler, Patrick, and some weird girl who smelled like cheese. 

"Yeah, too many people right now." I sniffed.

"So Patrick how are things with Pete?" I asked changing the subject.

Patrick smiled looking up from the school pizza he was eating.

"Good! He is so funny and outgoing. And hot, really hot." He blushed

"That's good." I said.

Patrick was nice and sweet kid, I'd finally apologized for my rudeness when I was drunk and he seemed way more relaxed now.

"I wonder what Ryan said to them?" I snarled looking at Ryan's table.

"Probably it's because you're talking and being nice to me." Tyler frowned.

"Well they can fuck off because you're more of a friend than they are now anyway."

Tyler smiled big. 


It was last block and I was having a panic attack. What would Ryan do? Tyler held my hand under the desk as I figited. I'm glad he was here with me.

The bell rang and I jumped 10 feet. Oh god my stomach hurt so much, I was going to throwup.

"Come on, you can do this." Tyler said.

I got up from my seat and walked out of the room with him. Down the long hallway was Ryan laughing in a group. He looked perfectly fine and normal for just beating me up yesterday. I breathedf heavly and walked down the hallway with all the courage I could muster. I could barely breath. 

I finally got to the group, they stopped talking and stared at me meanly.

"What the fuck do you want?" Savannah snarled. 

"To speak with Ryan, not  you." Ryan was leaned against a locker and he stared at me.

'"Fine." Ryan sighed.

"Savannah I'll meet you at the truck in a few minutes." Ryan kiss her and followed me down into an empty hallway.

I stopped and leaned against the brick wall, Ryan stood facing me. Tyler stood awkwardly a couple yards away.

"Does Fag have to be here?" Ryan motioned to Tyler.


"Then I'm not talking."

I sighed.

"Tyler go in the other hallway please." I yelled.

He looked at me for certainty and reluctantly walked away. When he left Ryan started.

"Brendon I-"

"Nope, no talking. I'm done with you. We're breaking up." I was tearing up.

Ryan stared in shock for a moment.

"No we are not."  He laughed.

"Yes we are Ryan."

"But what about our future Brendon? Huh? We have been together for 4 years. Don't give me that break up bullshit. I can't live without you. You certainly can't live without me."

"If you really loved me you wouldn't have done this." I pointed to my messed up face, I started to cry.

"I didn't mean too." 

"Yes you did, did you realized how scared I was of you? Do you? I had to crawl my way into my house and lock all my doors. I was so terrified."

"I'm so sorry, fuck I'm sorry. I love you."

"And what did you tell our group? They all hate me know and I don't know why." I ran my hands through my hair.

"I LOVE YOU." He was crying, Ryan never cried.

"I hate you." I sobbed

He kissed me, hard. I tried to get away but  he held me on the wall kissing me. I  gave in and kissed him. God I hate myself so much, why couldn'tI stay away. We were making out heavy.

Just then I heard a camera click.

Ryan stopped, I looked. Savannah stood there holding her camera in shock.

"Oh thank god Savannah this faggot forced me to kiss him. I told you he was one of them, that's why I beat him up." I froze

He hit me and ran to Savannah hugging her. Fuck him and his acting. Fuck him.

"YOU FAGGOT PERVERT." She screamed kissing Ryan.

"No." I whimpered falling to the ground sobbing.

"The whole school is going to see who you are." Ryan growled.

"Ryan no no no no." I held my head in my hands.

"Go kill yourself because when everybody finds out you're gonna wish that you are dead."


Alright so how many of you hate me now? Hahaah sorry. Also sorrry it took me a billion years to update I had some important things going on. I hope you all have a lovely Chirtsmas aand I hope you dont hate me too much. Please vote, comment, follow. I love you all!

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