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omg like thanks for all
the votes and reads!
ily guys!


Calum opened the door to Ashton's house.

Once he got in he instantly froze at the sight of Luke and Ashton.

"Umm, is now a bad time babe?"

Luke looked at Ashton.

"So you've been cheating on me too?"

"Well, um not exactly."

Ashton looked down and fiddled with his fingers.

"This just great.

Who do you choose Ash?"

Ashton stared nervously between both of them.

"I-I want Cal."


"But I also want you Luke, even though you hurt me."

Calum and Luke looked each other up and down.

"I hurt you?


Um, well seems like you two have been fucking around behind my back."

"Yeah, um okay.

I still love you anyways."

Calum said, intertwining his fingers with Ashton's.

"I love you too.

Luke, don't you wanna try?"

"Fuck this shit i'm out.

I'm gonna go hang with Michael, I'll be back before dark."


Luke sat on the stairs, with his head in his hands.

"I n-need a release."

That's when he called Michael.


"Yeah, you available?"

"Sure, come over."


Kiss & Kill| ot4 C.A.L.M. ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt