John and Cynthia's anniversary

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Read the story the "Beatles... Bake" it's really good!!

Anyway. Back to the story.

August 23rd, 1967

John and Cynthia Lennon have been married for 5 years now and they have a 4 year old son. John Charles Julian Lennon. However, every year John usually for gets that it is their anniversary. He's usually either at the studio with the lads or he's with George practicing.

This year however, he remembers. HE REMEMBERS FOR ONCE and wants to do something special for her. Something he's never actually done before.

He gets all of the other Beatles, George, Ringo and Paul round to help him plan the most romantic, special and not to forget. The best meal she's ever had. Julian was going to be staying with his aunt Mimi for the night so they will have this time to themselves.
John was lost in thought until there was a loud knock at the door, he knew who it was so he went to open it.

"'Ello lads come on in" John says, sighing.

" What's so important that ye called us all round for at 8am? Don't ye know we're fuckin' tired from doin' Sgt peppers all night? Ringo yawned.

"It's me and Cyn's anniversary and-" he began but then George interrupted him

"So you actually remembered it this year?" He laughed and put a hand on John's shoulder. "Eh well good for you mate!"

"Shut up and let me finish would ye!?" John snapped and glared at a laughing George

"As I was saying before I was RUDELY interrupted" he continued, still glaring at George. "I want to do something special like a romantic meal with rose petals, candles oh! And her favourite music. A meal that I made" John says to the three other Beatles who were listening carefully, staring at him in disbelief.  John Lennon? Cook? Well that certainly wasn't something they expected to ever escape his lips.

" Sooooo... Why do ye need us here then?" Paul asks, raising an eyebrow knowing there has to be a catch on something.

"To help me make the meal, Cyn's out with Phyl and won't be back til' later so I have time! so pleeeeaaaasssseee help me?!" John pleaded, getting on his knees.

"Where's the recipe book then? Looks like we're goin' to make a meal today lads" Ringo says clapping his hands together.

"Actually I'M going to make the meal, you're going to help" John corrects him and crosses his arms.

A few hours later after deciding what to cook ( after a few disagreements from John and Paul)

"First of all, let's get the table ready" John says putting a white expensive table cloth onto the table. "What's the point in havin' a fuckin' table cloth?" He sighed frustratedly.

"Where's the candles Johnny boy?!" George asks as he leaned against the kitchen counter.

"In a Cupboard somewhere!" John shouts back from the other room.

"found 'em! " Ringo called, throwing the candles to George.

"Good now put them in the middle of the table please" John asked George as he sauntered back into the room.

"Yeah yeah now what about those rose petals? Ooh and the wine and wine glasses" George says while placing the candles in the centre of the table.

"I'll get those" John replies going out side and then coming back in with ah handful of red rose petals and spreads them out, making them look good and then going into the kitchen to get the red wine and wine glasses. John made the meal with the help of George, Ringo and Paul earlier. Everything was nearly ready when The taxi pulled up and Cynthia came out of it.

John and Cynthia's anniversaryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora