Chapter 4: Yes or No?

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Elizabeth POV

What??? Did Zale literally just ask ME out??? OMGOMGOMGOMGMOGMO my heart was on fire! (in a good happy way). I didn't know what to say...yes, because I really did wanna go out with him. Or no, because, it wood be weird and ruin our friendship.

I had mad my decision. I was going to ACCEPT!!

"YES!" I screamed way too dramaically! "Zale I would absolutly postivitly LOVE to go out with you!"

Zale POV 


She said yes! I am so happy, I could, I could....I COULD HUG HER (and thats what I did).

As we hugged I felt her warm and kindness swallow me whole;as I breathed in her hair , that smelled like a beautiful roses. 

Some time passed until I woke from my little day dream of her , and I realized I was still holding onto her pretty tight. Things were getting a little awkward, so I let her go and we stood inches away from each other, me just staring into her hazel eyes, that were so big and beautiful. 

But then a minute later we heard a honk from her moms car, and she had to leave to go do her AP class homework. But then I remembered that she was my "girlfriend" and the thought of her leaving passed my mind quickly. 

Still, as she walked out  onto my driveway I had a longing feeling spread around the pit of my stomache. That moment when we hugged was the best feeling I have experienced in my life, and I couldn't wait to hug her again....and then many more times after that.......

Elizabeth POV

As I was riding in my moms car, and all I could think about was my hug with Zale. His body was so warm, and I felt safe and protected wrapped in his long arms. I was postive I am gonna dream about that moment...and hopefully re live it too!

Magic EntwinedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora