Chapter 1

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Lily's POV

"NO!" I shouted, "Stop, please stop!" I began to cry. All of a sudden there was a burning sensation on my right cheek.

"Shut up Lily. No one is going to hear you, it's hopeless. Now shut up, just relax and enjoy." he winked at me. My shirt started to go up. He was right I had no other choice, it was useless. Drew was so much stronger than me and abusive I may add. I don't even know why I'm even dating this bastard; he would always hurt me when I didn't do what he wanted me to do. Usually I'd be able to handle all of his abusive actions, but this time it was worst. I couldn't stop him or run away. I. Was. Trapped. He had both of my arms held above my head using one of his hands, while the other touched me in places I didn't want to be touched. I never thought I'd lose my virginity to this jerk. I cried even more as he took off my jeans along with my underwear and thrust into me.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" I cried. I was slapped again as he kept going.

"Lily, Lily, Lily. Lillian!" I woke up with tears streaming down my face. My aunt, Becca, was next to me with a worried expression and was rubbing my back soothingly. She sighed and asked if I dreamt about Drew again. I couldn't muster a word out so I only nodded. "Lily when I agreed to move to London with you, I was really hoping you would have forgotten about him."

"I know and I'm sorry Becca-it's just that- the...the nightmares keep coming back. I try to forget, honest, but they just keep coming back. I'm okay now though." That was a lie, I'm never okay since my parents died, but I just wanted my aunt to feel better. Becca sighed and wiped my tears away; telling me things would just be fine. I knew they never will be.

"Lily I promised your mom, my sister-in-law, that I would take care of you before she died and that's a promise I'm going to keep. Now get dressed kiddo or you're going to be late for your first day of work." I checked the time and cursed. I quickly got up, took a quick a shower, and then wore some skinny jeans, and a long sleeved, cream colored blouse with black flats. I applied a bit of make-up and some eye drops to hide the puffiness of my eyes. I was overjoyed when I found out that having a job as a photographer wouldn't need me to wear a uniform every day. I took a bite of my bagel and headed to the door grabbing my camera bag.

"So what do I get to do today?" I asked Becca as we got into the car.

"Well today you're going to be editing pictures with Niall so we can publish the magazine tomorrow. He'll be your mentor until you get familiar with everything."

"Easy enough." As we drove through the streets of London, I never got tired of the view. Everything was so different compared to California. When we arrived at the building I followed Becca across the street, looking up it. And let me tell you it was massive, maybe around 40 stories high. I took a deep breath as I walked into the doors; I had to make sure today was going to be a perfect first day. Like that ever happens to me anymore. However I felt invisible as I walked to my new office with Becca, everyone greeted her as we walked by. I guess I shouldn't worry since she is the Vice President of the company.

"Are you ready to see your office Lily?" Becca beamed as we reached the 20th floor.

"More than you'll ever know Becca, thank you so much."

Becca laughed and replied, "Well I wasn't going to let you waste you talent now was I." Her phone beeped and she laughed when she read the text. "Niall is already waiting for you in your office already. I swear he's so damn early sometimes." When we reached a door I saw my name on a plaque mounted on it saying Lillian Dean. I was surprised I got my own plaque already on my first day. Becca motioned for me to open the door with a smile on her face. Once it was fully open, my office was revealed. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, it felt like a dream come true.

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