Chapter 4

37 4 7

Lily's POV

I groaned, waking up to my beeping alarm clock. I slowly got out of bed stretching a bit before getting ready for my second day of work.

"Morning, sleeping beauty. I made some blueberry pancakes and eggs. And here is your orange juice."

"Thanks Becca." I smiled.

"Of course." She sat down across from and started to eat as well. "So I received a call today about the edits you did yesterday."

"Did I do well?"

"Everyone one said you did marvelous. The pictures look better than the original and the magazines are ready to be shipped out today."

"Really?" I squealed.

"Really, I'm very proud of work especially on your first day."

"Thanks Becca." I smiled and finished up my breakfast. I helped Becca load her things into the car since she was going to host a photo-shoot today.

"I'm going with you right." I smiled hopefully.

"Hmmm...I don't know. I feel like if I bring you, you would be too distracted when you realize who we're doing a photo-shoot for."

"I promise I'll behave. I won't scream or fangirl or anything, I'll be the perfect angel I swear."

"Lily as much as I want you to come, I really want you to stay in the office for me yeah. I promise you that next time I book a photo-shoot you will come alright."

"Okay, but not with someone proper because I'm afraid that I'll embarrass myself."

"I promise." Becca laughed. We entered the building, however instead of going to our offices Becca lead us to this massive meeting room. I sat down next to Niall.



"Everything okay?'

"Yeah, why?"

"You seem a little less...energetic than yesterday."

"Oh sorry I didn't get much sleep last night. I was working on my university work."

"I know the feeling." I laughed, "Do you want my coffee? I didn't drink from it yet."

"No I'm alright."

"Niall I insist." I handed him the coffee.

"Thanks." He took a sip and I smiled at him. Becca went to the end of the table beginning to talk about how proud she was with everyone's contribution to another issue of "GQ". She began calling people's names who had worked on the issue and everyone applauded.

"Lastly, let's give a round of applause to my niece. On her first day of work yesterday she did an incredible job editing photos as I received phone calls from most of you." Becca motioned me to stand. I stood and waved as everyone applauded.

"Alright now, let's get back to work. We have a new issue to work on. Oh and before I forget, it's nearly time for my yearly trips to somewhere around the globe to meet with other editors and presidents of other magazines. Therefore, I leave Niall Horan in charge as always and I expect there to be good reports even while I am gone. The only difference is this time I will not know how long I will be gone. I would like to brainstorm themes and ideas of the next 25 issues before we all go on with the rest of the day. So please write and/or draw ideas you have and pass them to me to look over with the other editors. Thank you. You may work in groups as well." I look over at Niall as he chuckles nodding his head.

"I feel like I'm back in elementary school when I'd look for my friends and we'd nod at each other when the teacher says to pick a partner." I joked.

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