Chapter Thirteen: D-Day

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Humans have no free will, we're controlled by emotions and we react on those emotions but all reactions have consequences. Are we aware of the destruction we cause? Are we blind to the despair and hatred we spread? The sun shined through the blinds, tapping my face and waking me from my sleep. I rub my eyes, wondering how long I've been sleep and roll over to see Anastasia curled up on the left side of the full-size bed. Her hair hung down in her face, flowing as she breathed through her slightly parted lips. The bruises were visible, the sunlight highlighted them and caressed her face. I could see the cuts on her wrist scabbed over, I reached over touching the scars and rubbing my fingers across them.

Anastasia stirred from her sleep, batting her eyes and yawning. She stretched before rubbing the sleep from her eyes, "How long have I been sleep?".

I shrugged, sitting up and leaning against the headboard, "I was sleep too". She cuddled closer to me, putting her arm over me and rested her head on my stomach. "Are you hungry?" Asked Anastasia, nuzzling her face into my stomach, "Want me to cook?". It was another weekend with Dudley, two weeks since his death and a week since my fight with a guy I don't really know. My mother left Friday night, not telling me much besides not letting anyone in the house but of course I did. Anastasia spent the night with me, I wasn't sure if it was something she's always wanted to do or maybe just an escape from her abusive stepfather and brother. We lay in bed, not saying anything just laying together and cuddling. "Come on, let me get started" She yawned, sitting up and getting out of bed. I climbed out the bed, following her out of the room as she led me to the kitchen. The fridge was empty like usual, Anastasia pulled a fifty dollar bill out of her shirt and held it up, "Eggs, bread, milk, bacon, pancake mix and oatmeal". I nodded, taking the money and stuffing it into my pocket, "I got it". She smiled up at me, standing on her tip-toes and kissed my cheek, "Be careful baby". "I'll be back" I replied, smirking.

Anastasia was paranoid, she worried too much and expected everyone to be as cautious as she has become.

I walked down the sidewalk, hands in my pockets as I headed in the direction to the store. An all black Honda pulled up just ahead over me, the windows pitch black and made it impossible to see inside. I stopped, looking around to see the streets empty and quiet. The car appeared to be parked, I crossed the street and decided to cut through the park. The roar of the engine caught my attention, the strange black Honda had started up and began to roll. My heart pounding in my chest, I didn't have my gun on my hip the one time I come outside but I figured I was just being paranoid. Laughing to myself and shaking my head, "Anastasia must be getting to me". I felt like I was being followed the whole way, looking over my shoulder and scoping out the area. Exiting the park, I stepped out looking at the store right across the street. I looked back over my shoulder, a few families sat at picnic tables, small children running around and a few couples taking a stroll. I sighed, shaking my head and trying to shake off this gut feeling. I couldn't put my finger on it but something felt off, it was a Saturday like any other Saturday but it wasn't.

I was clueless, no I had a clue but I was careless. A loud and sharp screech tore through the peace of the Saturday morning.

A black vehicle swerved in front of me, a loud cracking and popping sound. Everything was bright, I couldn't hear or see. I felt the metal fragments ripping through my shoulder and torso without consideration. Without any real meaning or relevance and with more speed than the fastest of any living thing. My vision came back, the blood curling screams filled my ears as I dropped to my knees and stared down at the blood in my hands. My wounds leaked blood like tears falling from eyes, my hands trembled as I pressed them against my side and tried to stop the bleeding. I was stunned to know that I might die, not to be overwhelmed with emotions I assumed would come with such a violent end. There was something so serene about the scene, I fell back onto the concrete and I could hear in the distance someone screaming for help. I bled out, slowly losing consciousness with the images of Dudley and Anastasia swirling in my mind. Leaving the last scene of Dudley on the floor, lifeless and bleeding imprinted upon my mind without oxygen to sustain it.

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