Chapter 1

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Eighteen years passed since the princess's disappearance. The whole kingdom is still in search for a girl with blond hair and chocolate brown eyes but there is no luck.

The King and Queen were not the same. They didn't want another child since they didn't want to replace their Lucille and also because they still believe that she's still alive.

The Queen became devastated, every night she would go to Lucille's room and stay there crying. She would look at images of Lucille and touch them. And when she smiles everyone knows that it's fake and no one can blame her she lost her child and she's still not found. Although Layla knew that she has to be strong for her daughter.

The King became furious, he sent guards to look for his daughter and also for the lookout for that kidnapper who got his daughter. He too was devastated, he too also goes to Lucille's room and cries with his wife. He knows that his daughter is alive because of the Royal sword.

In the throne room, in the middle of the two thrones, stands the Royal sword, it's actually a rapier. He would know she's alive since the sword glows meaning that she still alive. If ever the sword stops glowing that means she's dead. Everyday he would hold the sword, saying that he could feel Lucille by touching it.

The King and Queen is absolutely devastated and no one can help them.

In the other end of the kingdom is a maiden of seventeen. She has midnight black hair with warm chocolate brown eyes. She goes by the name Lucy Light. And she's wearing a simple maiden dress, color blue with a a white apron in front.

{A/N: She's wearing something like what Belle wears from Beauty and the Beast. The one when she goes around the town, you know the one with that song, I forgot the title though hehe😅}

She currently heading towards the market to buy some fruits for the orphanage she stays in. Well actually now it's a guild, not an orphanage anymore since everyone used magic there.

Well everyone except for Lucy, since she doesn't know what her powers are, actually no one knows. But it's okay, everyone else there treats her fairly and loves her.

Lucy grew up to be a fine woman. She had the perfect body that makes every man want her. She's intelligent since she's a bookworm. And she has the characteristics and traits of a perfect princess.

"Good morning Spade" Lucy greets the man in the stall. "Lucy Light, nice to see you, want more of my fresh fruits?" Spade asked. "Of course, you know how I love you're fruits are, they're perfectly harvested" Lucy said as she puts fruits into her basket.

"Well shucks, that's kind of you Lucy" Spade said. "It's true, anyways how is your wife and kids?" Lucy asked as she finishes getting fruits. "Well Ria is doing well, so is Ridder and Steffi" Spade informed.

"That's good to hear, here keep the change" Lucy said as she payed. "What no Lucy, it's too much" Spade said. "No I want you to have it, you need it to take care of your family" Lucy smiled. Spade smiles.

"Thank you Lucy, you always know how to make people love you, you know?" Spade said. "Really? I didn't know, well I'll see you Spade" Lucy said. "Come back soon Lucy and thank you" Spade said.

Then Lucy leaves and heads towards the guild. Everyone greets her on the way she's well known to the people for being there to help. Lucy greets them with a good morning, helps children who are injured and down and helps the aged people go home.

Once she's done she goes in the guild. "Morning Lucy" they all greet. "Morning" Lucy greets back. Then she heads to the bar and puts the basket of fruits on the counter.

"Here you go Mira" Lucy said as she give the fruits to the bartender. "Thank you Lucy" Mira thanks. "You're welcome, is Natsu back yet?" Lucy asked.

Then Mira smiled and gave her a strawberry milkshake. "Here you go, I know you're gonna order this and they haven't came back from their job yet although they should be back now" Mira said. "Thanks" Lucy said as she starts drinking.

"So Lucy why are you asking if Natsu is here, you miss him right?" Lisanna teases. "Eh? Not like that, I just want to know if he's back, after all he's my best friend" Lucy said. "Yeah but you wish to be more than that right?" Levy teases.

"" Lucy stuttered, blushing a little. "You're denying Lucy, meaning yes" Erza teased as she ate her cake. "No...I'm..only denying because it..its not true" Lucy stuttered. "Then why did you stutter just now?" Wendy teases. "Eh? I-" Lucy was cut off by the door of the guild.

"We're back!!" Natsu and Happy yelled. "Thank goodness" Lucy muttered. "Hey Lucy, Levy I need you're help on something" Natsu said. "What is it?" Lucy asked.

Natsu brought out a gold key with a constellation on top. Lucy's eyes widen because it looks familiar to her. I'm wonder what's this, Happy found this on the ways back from the job" Natsu informed as he gave the key to Levy.

"It looks like a normal key" Mira said. "No it's not I feel a magic aura coming from it" Erza said. "What do you think Lucy?" Wendy asked. Lucy didn't answer she just looked at the key.

"Can I borrow it for a moment?" Lucy asked. Levy gave it to Lucy and for some reason it glowed when Lucy touched it. "It looks familiar some how to me" Lucy said.

Then it goers brighter and Lucy felt her head ache. She dropped the key as she held her head. Lucy then screamed in pain."Lucy!!" Everyone screamed, worried for their friend.

The Lucy blacked out into the darkness.

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