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As we all know, there are a lack of books with black main characters. Particularly black females. This troubles me, because I always have to read about blonde haired, blue eyed people. There's nothing wrong with blonde haired, blue eyed people, but I've never been able to read a story where the girl is ME. It's stressful, and it's frustrating, and quite heartbreaking at times.
You'd never think that a fictional characters' characteristics could impact someone so much, but they can. There is a direct correlation between the belief that black people are not smart enough, or attractive enough, or even important enough, to the lack of black characters within the Wattpad community. I can't be the only one who's tired of the lack of representation, especially from our very own writers! It's one thing for white authors to ignore our existence, but it's an absolute slap to the face when our own talented authors disregard us.
It's as if most of the books on Wattpad take place in a parallel universe where black people cease to exist, and we are very much here, and a great force to be reckoned with.

This is why today, I've decided to call on the black community of Wattpad, to address some problems I'm sure we all have, but to also discuss how we are apart of the problem. The beautiful thing about our problems and struggles though, is that there is always a solution. If the community decides to improve, then that's exactly what the community will do.
If you were lead here because of tags, and you happen to feel mislead, please don't pass this book up. You've made it this far down, which means you're, at least, willing to have your eyes opened. It's important to me, and if you care about diversity, it should be important to you too.

My Message To Black Authors Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin