Kanaya's P.O.V

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/incert an awful song ment to wake yourself up/
The alarm went of startling me from a peaceful sleep, I opened my eyes and looked around my room lit with the morning light of a new day. Today was August 16th the day I was going to start high school at Skaia High, It was a fairly large school with several sports, clubs, and activities. Realizing I have spent enough time sitting here I got out of bed and striped myself of my pajamas and put on a grey long sleeve under shirt with a black t-shirt with a jade green Virgo zodiac symbol on it and a long red skirt that went to my ankles.

I walked down stairs into the living room where my sister, Porrim was sitting on the sofa scrolling through channels eating breakfast.
"Good Morning, Porrim."
"Go+o+d mo+rning to+ yo+u as well. Ho+w did you sleep, Kanaya?" She asked me
"It Was Lovely, But Sadly I Need To Be Off Before I Am Late On My First Day."
"Well then I'll see yo+u when yo+u get back."

I made my way through the door and started tracking my way through the neighborhood to the bus stop a block away from my home. There are not many kids where I live so the buss stop is mostly empty aside from me and a couple other people for a change. 2 kids around my age stood side by side talking, one was a girl with round glasses and long dark brown-almost black hair. While her brother I presume adorned rectangular style glassed and short hair with the color maching the girl besides him. My thoughts were cut short by the bus pulling up with a loud screech caused by stopping and the door opening singling for us to get on.

The bus ride to Skaia was quite boring with not many kids getting on and even the ones who did kept to themselves and didn't make a ruckus, by the time we made it to school I was already ready to go home but sadly I had hours of learning and other things that would be done. I still had about 5 minutes before the clock would hit 8 A.M. so I decided to rome the building looking for my classrooms where I would go to in the near future. I glanced down at my schedule so I would know what classes to look for.

-8:05 8:45-
Science........ Mr. Nori- Room 804
-8:50 9:30-
Drama.......... Mr. Hussie- Room 23
-9:35 10:05-
English......... Miss. Lilith- Room 655
-10:10 10:50-
Art............... Miss. Umbral- Room 788
-10:55 11:20-
-11:25 12:05-
History........ Mr. Ark- Room 678
-12:10 12:50-
Math............ Mrs. Diamond- Room 672
-12:55 1:50-
P.E................ Coach Jasper- Outdoor Building

The bell rang signling for students for class so I gave up on wandering through the halls and made my way to class so I would not be late.

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