It Came For Me

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I have a normal life like most if not all of you. I'm this cool writers club I've met some new people and I have a lot of cool friends that are into the same things as me that's where I met Samuel we call him Sam though.  Sam and I spent so much time together you could say we were like two peas in a pod or at least that's what my parents said.  The day that Sam and I shared our first kiss i felt like the luckiest girl on earth. And i guess you could say him and I were together like a couple and we wanted it to stay that way. Until the day I started seeing IT I know its a cliche but its true I saw it first in my bathroom I was taking a shower being careful not to cut myself with the razor Sam and I had a date and I wanted to look good. But when I first saw IT it was quick and I wasn't sure if had seen anything at all until later when IT crawled up behind me and made me pass out at the restaurant with Sam. I was rushed to the hospital Sam worried I had food poisoning the doctor was kind enough to check my blood and said I was fine no food poisoning but he needed to talk to my parents. After being gone for what seemed like hours they came back into the room saying I was going to be fine I  just needed some pain pills and i would be good as new and that we should just go home. The look on my mothers face worried me but I was in pain from the fall my head hurt like crazy all I wanted was to sleep more than anything so we got home and mom took Sam outside to "talk" see I'm old enough to know when your mom says "can I have a word with you" its important but I let it slide thinking because my birthday was coming up next month it had to be some kind of surprise. When my Mom and Sam came back in she said Sam could stay the night because our date had been ruined I was pretty exited but Sam didn't look so much exited but kind of worn out he insisted that he was fine when I asked so I just let him be. Later we watched movies Sam fell asleep on my bed he looked so cute when he was asleep but I was getting a bit thirsty so I started to get up when I seen IT running down my hall I scrambled to the door but IT burst in and grabbed my arms and squeezed so tight that my arms went limp. IT stared at me with its glowing red eyes like lasers it blinded me for about ten minutes. After IT vanished I could barely see, everything was blurry and my arms felt like noodles I didn't want to move afraid of hitting something on my attempt to still get water so I  just lay back down and slept and slept and slept one day, two days, for two whole days I slept I woke up unable to speak properly  and I know why IT came and had done something to me  I could talk fine after a few days. Sam and I had been spending more time than usual together I wasn't complaining though I loved Sam and could spend forever with him and never grow tired of him. One night he took me out and we talked and danced and had the best night I've had in a long time but then he told me he knew IT was back and that my mom told him and they knew all along they never told me that IT was back said they tried to get rid of IT and it worked IT was gone for a long time but IT is back and there was nothing else the doctors could do IT was here to stay. I was mad and confused and dizzy then IT crept up again tossing me to the ground making everything in my body hurt like hell. I woke up again in a hospital, IT sitting next to me making me unable to speak or walk,but all I know is that was the day my doctor told me I had about a week. The day IT took me away for good Sam had taken me to an old tree out by his grandparents farm on the tree where bottles glass like the old cola bottles but in different colors green, blue, red, purple. They hung from strings like fishing wire there had to be at least 5 dozen bottles on that tree that clanked together as the wind blew there was this branch that hung lower than the others so Sam and I sat there and that's when Sam asked to marry me I nodded and he smiled like I've never seen him smile before but he did not know how long I had to live but I let him enjoy the time we had. He talked to me till sunset as the orange sun shone on the tree the most amazing thing happened, The tree sang its beautiful symphony of chimes as the wind blew and it shined like a million suns in the sky the colors like a rainbow i smiled and Sam kissed me I felt like the luckiest girl on earth until IT came but IT was beautiful IT was She the angle of death She had wings of gold and a dress as beautiful as the colors of the tree and She took my hand and said we would  fly to a beautiful place, but before we did I went and kissed Sams tear covered cheek as he held my body in his arms, after that me and her flew to the most glorious place you could ever dream of and I was finally gone no more pain, no more "IT" no more cancer I was free.........I am free.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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