Chapter 5

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I woke up in a cold sweat realizing I had yet another nightmare. I can't really remember what it was about but I do know it scared the living crap outta me. I was almost excited for the day when I remembered me and Jason broke up last night and my 16th birthday is tomorrow. "Jesus" I muttered under my breath while I was getting ready. I shouldn't have eaten that much pizza, it gave me heartburn. "I wonder where Carrie is." I thought out loud. "She probably stayed the night at her friends house, or went looking for her Soul Mate." I snorted at that last comment of thinking about Carrie actually settling down for a long term relationship.

I didn't know how tough this day would be

"Mom do we have anything for heartburn?" I called down stairs but got no response. All I could hear was mumbling between her and Dad. "Why isn't he at work this morning?" I thought actually becoming curious with the events of the morning. Then I started to get a bad gut feeling.

I walk downstairs slowly as to not alert my parents I was awake.

"I know but she's been gone all night and she's not answering her phone. She said she'd be home by 12 last night." my mom said. Worry taking over her voice." "Well we can't let Emma know it'll ruin her birthday, but we can contact the police."my dad says, trying to stay calm for mom I can tell in his voice difference as well. I think I know what might ruin my birthday and what my mom says next fulfills my suspicions "She's going to know Carrie's missing when she doesn't show up to the party Will."

Thanks for reading the extremely short chapter. Still not good at writing lol. Thanks to Foxy-Wolf12 for the dad's name I honestly had a brain fart. Btw you should read some of her books like The Black Wolf. She's a great writer!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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