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CASSY was walking towards her chief's office in the FBI head quarters.She is the daughter of ALPHA JONAS ARCHER of the archer pack.She was a tom boy raised by her father and her elder brother sam,both were sheriff of her little town.Her dream was to join the police and get out of her town and guess what she made it into the FBI.She was 5'7 ,brunette ,brown eyes ,cherry coloured lips ,tanned skin and had sexy curves.Every guys dream girl.

Cassy didnt want to be mated,she didnt want to spend rest of her life in her small town like all other women of her pack and have children.She wanted excitement.She had to go through hell though to convince her father and brother,but she made it.

"Good morning chief" cassy said smiling to GEORGE DERRIS the chief of organised crime division.

"good morning cassy lets go to the meeting hall he said ,leading her towards the hall"

"All have a seat"george said to cassy and her team.

Cassy was the team leader,her partner was TERRENCE EMANUEL,and other team members were SALLY EDWARDS electronic specialist and JOSEPH GUERRERA surveillance.

George cleared his throat before beginning "guys  i have specially hand picked you for this mission,your job is to bring down the rodriguez family.These are slimy bastards to start with.The miami police have been trying to pin them down for past 7 years and they couldnt.That is where we come to help their sorry arses."he said smirking.

"Do we have any details about them and their operation chief"cassy asked.

George nodded his head"they deal with guns and drugs,they own half the clubs in miami.Inspector switch on the slides please"

A picture came to the screen showing an older man in his 50's "This man is SAMUEL RODRIGUEZ aka THE GREASER the don of the rodriguez family,next picture please".

The next slide showed two men in their 40's "the two standing are CHRISTIAN and TRISTAN RODRIGUEZ aka CHOP SHOP brothers,they are the capos of the family,ie the second in command.Next slide please.

The picture showed a handsome man in his mid 20's black hair, grey eyes "his name is GABRIEL aka THE HAMMER we do not know his surname ,all we know that he is an enforcer in the family.he joined this gang 7 years back and from that day they have become untouchable there were 48 cases filed against him and nothing was proved ,he is supposed to be the most notorious and smartest gangster ,that is what the miami police told me."

"Oh yeah those dumb fuckers havent seen the FBI finest chief" terrence smirked.Everyone chuckled.

The last slide showed a man and a woman both looking identical proving them to be twins"this is CAESER AND CECILLE aka THE CARVER AND THE CLUBBER respectively.Gabriels most trusted and are also the family,s enforcers.They always follow gabriel wherever he is.They are like his guard dogs"george chuckled.

"Hey chief what's up with the fancy names hammer,clubber and shit.Is it to supposed to scare children"joseph laughed.

"Well you have to see their handy work to know why they got their names"chief said showing pictures of their victims.

Cassy stomach twisted to see those pictures,everyone felt the same "jesus christ chief"everyone scowled.

"I am showing you these so you should know what you guys are dealing with ,understood.Your job is simple try to find enough evidence to put them for good,the miami police would give their full support.any questions"

"when do we start chief"cassy asked.

"You are leaving tommorrow guys and good luck".

"THANK YOU CHIEF"they all shouted and got up from their chairs leaving the hall.

"Hey how long do you think it will take us to nail them babe"emmanuel asked cassy with a teasing smile.

"Dont get cocky emmanuel and i am not your babe ,now get your arse moving before i complain to margaret that her husband was trying to flirt with me"

"You wont do it ,because you are my sexy partner"emmanuel said giving her a hug.

"ok ok just dont crush me will you "she smiled and waved bye to emmanuel before leaving to go home.

She was the only werewolf in her team and nobody knows about it.Well moving in the cities wouldnt be a problem because most of the packs avoided cities, so she working in them ,wouldnt be a treat to any pack.Working in the FBI gave her peace and not to mention she was far away from those damn elders and her father asking her to find a mate.I am just 23 and they want me to tie me behind a guy who i even dont know.who ever my mate is I am going to give him hell ,she laughed at the idea and went early to bed,for tomorrow she would be in miami


hey guys,

dont forget to vote and comment,they really boost my morale.

                                          with loads of love


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