Letter 20: In A While

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I haven't spoken to you in a while. Five months! Of course, I've had a few harder moments but Max helped me through them. Sometimes I feel like I'm a dead weight for him, dragging him down. But then I remember it's not me thinking that, it's you. When my boyfriend (!!!) feels down, I take care of him too. Sometimes we make that potage again and sit in bed, planning what we'll do on the weekend.

I was resentful when I first started writing to you. How could my parents and my psychologist possibly think I'd feel better writing meaningless letters that you'd never read? But you're part of me so I read them and the message is getting through. I'm not worthless or evil or stupid.

Sure, one day, I might go back to you but it won't be without a fight because now I know you're wrong and I have Max.

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