Time Travel

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Teressa was having a rush of feelings pride,confidence and maybe even a little spark of happiness.. but there was a feeling missing,the same feeling that she had lost in her 16th birthday,the feeling of warmth,the feeling of safe or as people call it feeling home..

Everydoor and room she passed people used to praise her, make her feel special.

She passed lots of rooms most of them were open but noticeably they were cracked and rusty actually the whole place seemed like it was about to crumble into pieces if one wrong move was taken.

She still can't forget what happened to her,everything kept rushing to her memory with every step she took.

Then every thing stopped;she was taking no steps and nothing was rushing to her mind;she focused her sigh feeling a little like she just woke up from a deep sleep.

Raising her eyes up she caught a glimpse of a door,with a little foucs from her side she saw the full pictureit was an unusual door like no door she had passed,a way larger one with more details clear in its wood.She stood infront of it not having a clue what it lead to.

Teressa stretched her arms to reach the door knob but they were twitching from the fear of what's behind.

Teressa thought of leaving everything and go search for a normal life with no weird powers or crazy maniacs looking for a chance to get her but she didn't leave not just cause not to disappoint her father but cause they heard her..she know they did.

The door opened revealing a boy that seemed to be nearly her age with jet black straight hair that was flowing down his back and sparkly hazel eyes.

"You can't bail on us you know"he said with a smirk

She muttered "And who are you to boss me around"

"Well not a good first impression chosen one but as I am your guardian I shall bear with you till the end.My name is Joshua,It's nice to meet you Teressa" he smiled.

Teressa was shocked by the fact that he read her mind!

"Well if you want to know your village past you need to hurry up and follow me"he smiled again

"Okay"she said with a dead look

Joshua lead Teressa through the huge door and into a room that was lit by torches on the wall it looked a little like the room she was first brought into with the same mysterious drawing but it was larger and more blank!

"why is the room empty?!"Teressa said with a puzzled look

"Well it depends on your perspective" he said not taking his eyes off the floor

"and here is your destination!" Joshua left Teressa infront of an empty wall and left.

"What a gentle men leaving me in a middle of a weird room without a clue " she said with anger

"Teressa Croatly Benghoven the third are you ready to see what is behind those walls are you ready to get to know the truth that was buried years maybe even eons ago If yes then please step near the wall and let your past be revealed " A voice said Teressa was not really sure about the source of the sound but it seemed like it is coming out of the brick walls!

Teressa stopped to think about what the voice said what If things are better that way what if she should just live now.

Her grandmother always used to say past is past it doesn't matter what happened before what matters is what we should do now to stop it from happening again.oh how much she missed her grandma.She is in a desperate need for her hugs right now she used to make her feel safe but well past is past maybe things are never going to get the way they were before.

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