MREs Memories and Blackmail

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Chapter 6

As things began to settle down and Amadeus managed to calm down. Luke Danny and Ava went to the hillbillies house and searched around for supplies which they were gonna need for the long trip to Detroit. Peter Sam Harry and Amadeus stayed behind to set up an area to sleep for at least a couple hours. All the while Harry was not so impressed with Amadeus' mood at all. In Harry's mindset he should be proud to have defended himself from a sociopath who probably would have killed him. But what Harry didn't understand was that Amadeus Cho was 13 years old and killing was the last thing on a kids mind. They still want to enjoy whatever childhood he has left. But this practically killed it for him.

But unbeknownst to even Amadeus there was an entity within him that was pleased even ecstatic about Amadeus taking a life. But Amadeus was too preoccupied with setting up camp to even notice it.

Then Danny and the others got back with armfuls of new things. A lot of these things were hunting equipment and traps. There was even a box full of military MREs and they were Elite ones too. This only added to a lot of questions that Peter was asking himself at the moment. One how did a bunch of Hillbillies manage to get a Box of Elite Military MREs? Two why did they say they had people to sell? Were they trying to capture us for slavery? Is that how they got these?

Peter's POV

As I watched as Danny handed out the MREs to everyone as a early breakfast I thought to myself. These things are pretty cool. Now there were subtle differences to Animal MREs and Elite ones. The Elites had a tab you pulled and it instantly heated up your food. The animal one on the other hand had to be cooked in vinegar as to kill off germs. But when it was done it tasted so salty it wasn't worth eating. This however made things worth it. At least for the moment. "So does anyone have any idea how to get to Detroit?" I ask considering we were off the main roads. "Well we can't drive any of the main roads because the elites will be watching them especially since we escaped New York. So.... That only leaves us with one other option." Ava said not looking too pleased but rather resigned to the other option. "The Wastelands."

Our eyes bug out because we had not expected to flee the city that night nor did we plan on our part of the city being firebombed by the Elites. Even Harry was taken aback by this. No Elite like himself has even dared travel through The Wastelands they usually took the train or their own private jets to get around. But Sam and Danny however were uncharacteristically calm about this. "Oh man The Wastelands, looks like we are going back to those days." Sam told Danny who nodded. "Those days? What are you talking about?" Ava asked. "Before we came to New York we used to live in different areas. Sam was still in Arizona and well I used to go to either New York or Los Angeles as my parents commuted to wherever my dad was sent to by the Elites. Until he decided to go around the world to explore the other three kingdoms. I enjoyed Salaam and Tríonóide but it is in Xiāngxìn that my training in the Arts of K'un L'un began and that is also where my parents met their end."

"But when I went back to L.A. The Elites inspected me and found my Chakra powers they determined I was poison and I was forced to leave my life behind. But by then I outgrew material possessions and traveled on my own. Along the way Sam and I met up and we ended up traveling The Wastelands together." Danny was deep in his own reminiscent thoughts so Sam cut in. "But The Wastelands are completely dangerous they have oasis fields but they are heavily guarded by these bandits that are completely nuts like these hillbillies we faced." Danny returned to the conversation "Thats not to mention that if they capture you they will sell you into slavery. Exactly what these people we fought were saying." Then Sam cut back in. "Even twice as bad, the weather in The Wastelands is like in any desert, hot during the day and cold during the night. Yeah makes you wanna curl up in a ball to try to stay warm sometimes I thought these bandits and slavers were the easy part of The Wastelands."

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