First sight

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You are at one of your brother, Signless, speeches. You are amazes, how your brother speaks to the crowd, when your mother, Dolorosa, taps you on the shoulder with a smile. You smiling back at her. You brushes your (h/c) back to revival your (e/c ) to look at your mother happily. Then you going backstage to take care of grubs by song to them quietly. You are grubs caretaker for parent, that came to the seminar with your mother. Suddenly Your mother and you hear screams, you turning to see Grand High Blood's soldier has come and starts to kill anyone that was at the seminar. You grabs your scythe that you lean to use from practicing with Signless to defense yourself in case of a fight. Dolorosa grabs you, while Signless look at you as a bittersweet smile grow on his face. Then you realizeling that you guys are surround; they take you to the Grand High Blood for safe keep... What bullshit you thought.. You stands in front with your mother, who was beg for you to be release free. You wasn't scary of dying or be tortured, but you were scared of alone. When Grand High Blood begins to speak , you grabs your mother hand and listens carefully. Gand High Blood tells the guards with sadist,

"Take THESE MOTHERFUCKERS to THEIR MOTHERFUCKING CELL and then MAKE THEM WATCH THEIR MOTHERFUCKING SIGNLESS DYING IN FRONT THEIR MOTHERFUCKING EYES! THEN SELL THESE MOTHERFUCKERS AS SLAVES" You grows angrily and growls but you are hushes by your mother. The Gran High Blood stares at your wrathful, surprising eyes . You shouts at him,

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT FUCKER!?" He smiling amusement and standing  up. You didn't steps back but steps forward. You growling louder before your mother shields, since she did not wanting to risk any chance to loose another child. He lookd at you as says,

"At you MOTHERFUCKER! Take them to their MOTHERFUCKING CELL" His guard comes to take your mother and you to your cell. You looks back to make eye contact with Grand High Blood. You gives smirks at each other, then you looking away fearlessly.

GHB finding it amusing how the low blood act, since no one ever did that to him, it was a Motherfucking miracles. She was maybe worth something to him after all. She was amusing to watch. He thinking to keep her around for his amusement. He looks at (Y/N)'s body and flushes purple little. He thinks you had a nice ass, before he shaking his head to escape that image. He sighs.

Reader Pov
You are in the cell with Signless, and your mother. Signless looking you, and asks, " can you forgive (N/M and mother? I can't make a world for you to live in that you dream off... I am failure-" "Shut up Signless you aren't a failure! You speared the word no the truth.. your dream, and idea aren't go to die out okay....the people of heard you are carry them in their heart.. So let make every moment count...okay?" You telling them. You smiles while your tear falls down, and you guys starts to sing your favorite lullaby, until you fall asleep

( next day)
You and your mother are being drag to your brother execution. You watches as your brother is being torture mercilessly, but what was worse is that you are  at Grand High Blood's right side. Your tear falls, however you keeping a strong face for him. You listening to his last semon before you sings his favorite song bravely.  (Down bellow)

You trying to stand as the GHB's guard forcing you down. When you see, Signless giving your mother and you a final goodbye smile, you screams his name so loud that Grand High Blood looking at you in shock. You falls to your knees, while you knowingly as you begins to cry that Signless was gone. Your mother runs to you. Then your mother, and you  weep together for few second before they separate you. You looking up at the Grand High Blood with an ugly growl. Then the guards takes you to the High Blood's hive. One guard tells you,

"You are going to the maid. Here are your chores and be grateful that he didn't decide to cull you, Lowblood. " they leading you to your room in the maid wing with a list of what to do. You thanks them, even if you thought hurting them, then trying run away, but you know you shouldn't try to escape. You enters your room. You closes the door before you had lock it. You starts to break down quickly. Your mind thinking and flash backing of your family. You are all alone now. There is no more your mother kiss and meal to eat, no brother, who teasing about your fighting stands, care taking, and sing skill, no more Disciples talk about shipping you with an other troll, or Psiioniic ask you about your day went. No there is nothing left for are....................Alone......................

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