My Arrogant, Over Protective Mate - chpt. 3

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My Arrogant, Over Protective Mate

Chapter three

            "Well, this has got to be the most eventful lunch we've had all year." Cecily said, staring blankly after Logan, just like the rest of us.

            Rachel was the first to lose interest, "I dunno, don't you remember when those two girls started screaming at one another and one threw her chocolate pudding at the other?"

            Jude laughed, "That was entertaining."

            Cecily frowned, "Yeah, but this is Logan we're talking about. Cool, collected, don't care about anything Logan."

            Rachel laughed, "Well at least now he's proved to all of us he has human emotions."

            "I don't get why he was so angry..." I drifted off, not knowing how to voice my worries. I took a bite of my sandwich as I replayed the lunch's events over in my head. It seemed like he was angry because of me.

            Jude squeezed my hand, "I wouldn't worry too much about it Haven, it's probably something Dakota said or something." I just shrugged and didn't answer, taking another bit of my lunch.

            Rachel sighed, "Well, whatever, I'm getting bored. It's almost time for third period anyways, do you want to go and get ready for gym?"

            I nodded and stood up, throwing away my half eaten lunch and wiping my hands on my jeans. "Lead the way." Rachel smiled and got up, I waved goodbye to Jude and Cecily.

            "So, you ready for gym?" Rachel asked, sounding excited. "It's going to be awesome having another w—friend in gym."

            I gave her a weak smile, "Yeah I guess." We changed and walked out into the large gym, waiting for further instruction from our gym teacher, Mrs. Clarke.

            "Alright, let's start with some warm up laps, five around the perimeter of the gym. Please stay outside the lines girls, no cheating or you can start again."

            Rachel grinned and took my hand and then started to sprint. My wolf howled at the prospect of running and I had to fight to keep her in check.

            By the end of the first lap I was huffing and puffing, "Please... Rachel... can we.... slow down?"

            Rachel—who had been sprinting this entire time—hadn't even started to sweat. "Why would we do that? You of all people should be able to sprint a few simple laps." I scrunched my eyebrows together and tried to breathe regularly.

            "What's mean?" I said in between gasps for air. I was never a good runner. I was the girl who was last to complete the laps in gym, dragging my feet the whole way through.

            Rachel shrugged, "I just mean you look like you're in shape."

            I laughed, "Yeah right." We finished our laps painfully and by the time we had finished I was ready to pass out.

            "Alright everyone let's do some simple stretches and then we'll start." We did a few stretches to make sure we were reading for physical activity and then we all regrouped in front of Mrs. Clarke.

            "Alright class, we're going to be playing dodge ball today since someone decided it would be funny to poke holes into all of the volleyballs. We're going to be playing a joint game with Mr. Bowman's class."

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